Thursday 17 August 2017

Space Marine - Mark 1 Thunder Armour

Hello, something a bit strange for me today, if you are a twitter follower you may have noticed that one night I got a little bored and wanted to do something a bit different so I dug out a resin (Finecast) Space Marine in Mark 1 "Thunder Armour" from the Armour Through the Ages set that Games Workshop released about 3 years ago, why a Finecast and not the metal equivalent? well I wanted a quick start minimal prep, as you are well aware resurrecting your Oldhammer miniatures takes time, stripping, cleaning up oxidation, etc, etc I wanted an immediate start and prepping this one took about 5 minutes.

I believe this was designed by John Blanche, sculpted by Jes Goodwin and released in 1990. There were two versions of this miniature, this one is armed with a primitive bolt gun and sword, the other a Power Axe/Pole Arm type weapon.

I really wanted to achieve a Techno-barbarian feel and went with Imperial Roman palette, plenty of browns and tans while leaving the shoulder pads black to tie him in with the small Flesh Tearers project I have on the backburner.  I was going to stick on a proper old school metal back pack but it looked to small and didn't sit right so I went with the one supplied and as it was also resin it took 2 minutes to magnetise with tiny rare earth magnets, this modification made it a lot easier to paint. 

Space Marine in Mark 1 "Thunder Armour" - front

Space Marine in Mark 1 "Thunder Armour" - back

Space Marine in Mark 1 "Thunder Armour" - magnetised power pack

Background from White Dwarf 129
More Thunder Armout fluff from the Lexicanum:

Mark I plate was developed by the techno-barbarian factions that dominated Terra prior to the Emperor's ascendancy. When the Emperor began his conquest of Earth, the "Thunder Warriors", the proto-Space Marines which formed part of his retinue, were armoured in the same way as the soldiers of the other warlords. A thunderbolt and lightning symbol was displayed on the breastplate of warriors loyal to the Emperor - this was the personal badge of the Emperor in those days, predating the Imperial Aquila which only became the symbol of the Imperium much later. The emblem gives the suit its common name – "Thunder Armour."
Thunder Armour was not an enclosing suit and offered no life support functions, being unnecessary while the fighting was confined to Terra and the similar environments of Luna and Mars. This early armour was produced on a completely local basis and as such individual suits varied heavily and their exact designs were often a matter of personal taste.
The main part of the armour is the massive powered torso which encloses the chest and arms. Coiled energy cables beneath the armour plating transmit power from the power pack on the back to the arms, greatly increasing physical strength by a factor of between 3 and 4 times. Since fighting on Terra during this period was primarily close-quarters, the strength of a warrior's chest and arms was of paramount importance. The legs of this armour Mark are typically not power-armoured at all, but are enclosed in tough padded breeches. The best-equipped warriors sometimes wore armoured greaves and armoured boots, and such additional protection was common amongst the Thunder Warriors.
As with all powered armour, the power supply is contained with a notably bulky back-mounted unit, most of which is taken up by cooling systems designed to prevent the entire armour design from overheating.
Although it is very rarely used in the 41st Millennium, some suits of Thunder Armour are maintained for ceremonial purposes.

This ancient style of armour is noticeably noisier than later Marks. 

Space Marine in Mark 1 "Thunder Armour"

First advert featuring the Mark 1 "Thunder Armour" from White Dwarf 133

Games Workshops re-release as Finecast 'Armour Through The Ages'

Space Marine in Mark 1 "Thunder Armour" - Variant 2

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed this miniature.

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Citadel Judge Dredd Perps Part 7

Borag Thungg Earthlets,
Today we have more scrotnig miniatures from the 1985 citadel Judge Dredd miniatures range, as usual these miniatures are mostly from the JD3 Perps and Muties code with the occasional ugly and Slaughter Margin campaign miniature, I was really trying to discipline myself to get the Perps and Muties painted before moving on but have already become distracted by the Dark Judges.  I hope you enjoy my latest work as there are some really cool miniatures here, any photos with a blue background were taken in my office by my mate Andy who is a wildlife photography nut, we have been trying to apply his skills to miniature photography, let us know what you think.

First up we have 'Rhode Island Redfrom the JD3 Muties code, this miniature is the holy grail to many a JD miniature collector, I am lucky enough to own two, I have seen these go for £25 each on eBay such is the demand, this hideous mutie appeared in the story 'The Fear That Made Milwaukee Famous' which featured in the Judge Dredd Annual 1981 so hunt that one down if you want to know more about him. I painted him in the colours of the comic strip,  lots of good paint jobs of this miniature about, like this one here on Sho3box.

Rhode Island Red - front
Rhode Island Red - back
Rhode Island Red

Second up we have 'Two-Heads' another miniature from the JD3 Muties code a 1985 sculpt and also appeared in the story 'The Fear That Made Milwaukee Famous' which featured in the Judge Dredd Annual 1981.

Mutie Two-Heads - front
Mutie Two-Heads - back


Next we have 'Citizen 1' from the Slaughter Margin range sometimes referred to as 'Citizen Hetfield' probably as he bears some resemblance to Mettalica's James Hetfield with his late 1980's haircut, another great addition to my non-combatant miniatures, I ended up going full goth on this one and think it works.
Citizen 1/Citizen Hetfield - front

Citizen 1/Citizen Hetfield - back

Citizen Hetfield

Next we have the last of the three Wreckers in the range, 'Wrecker' from the story 'The Wreckers' in Progs 374-375. Here are his mates.

Wrecker - front

Wrecker - back


Here we have 'Kneepad Jones'  a JD3 Perp, the name is really familar I am sure he was in a story but can't find anything on it so i guess I am mistaken although he could of been in a daily star strip, this miniatures in made up of a lot of bits and pieces of others, which came first who knows? I love his outfit totally Mega-City One.

Kneepad Jones - front

Kneepad Jones - back

Kneepad Jones

Next is 'Jason Basin' sometimes mistaken for 'Perpolito' due to the grainy images of the original adverts, I am quite familar with his name has this was one of the names my mate would scream at me in the playground as children :D
I took a lot of photos of this miniature to show off his amazing outfit and appears to have a problem remembering is left, right, up and down as both kneepads and boots are labelled with 'L' and 'R', his helmet has 'UP' on it and arms have up and down arrows, bizarre there must be story in there.

Jason Basin - front

Jason Basin - back

Jason Basin - front

Jason Basin - side

Jason Basin - side

Jason Basin - back

Jason Basin - front

Jason Basin

Here we have a Ugly 10 one of the many Uglies variants (I nearly have them all) which I painted up in the early 1990's, rebased him to my current favourite scheme and jazzed him up a little.  Sculpting/Moulding around his outreached hand was a bit rough so I filed it and painted it up as a Mega-city Cred.

Ugly 10 - side

Ugly 10 - front
Ugly 10 - back

And lastly we have another miniature from the Slaughter Margin range and another miniature which I painted up in the early 1990's, rebased and tidied up, it's quite tough work painting over gloss varnish, this one is 'Vid Crew Camera', a later sculpt/variant he has the body of an Ugly with the head of Kneepad Jones, I am still looking for 'Vid Crew Sound' to complete my collection if anyone out there has him.

Vid Crew Camera - front
Vid Crew Camera - back

Thanks for stopping, Florix Grabundae

Oh and don't forget to follow me on Twitter @fuljason for some live action from the paint station.

Thursday 6 July 2017

LE1 Space Orc

Hi Folks, today's Oldhammer treat is the 'not so' Limited Edition LE1 Space Orc. 

From what I believe the first Space 'Orc' to appear in the citadel ranges, there were other Orcs with a sci-fi twist like the Bazooka Orcs, Sleazy Rider and the Orc with machine gun in the Marauder miniatures Orc range but not until the launch of Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader where Orcs were renamed to Orks did true Space Orks come along, was this sculpt just a flight of fancy or a test miniature for the early development of Warhammer 40,000, many other miniatures appeared in the limited edition range featuring a sci-fi theme or technology equipped, Space Skeleton, Wizard with machine gun did anyone ever incorporate these into their early Rogue Trader games?  I do remember we used loads of  Sleazy Rider's.

What I like about this Orc is the primal animalistic appearance of the Orc, gorilla like, hunched over with big long limbering arms, giant tusks, he reminded me of The Planet of the Apes movies so much that I gave him a little U.S. flag on his arm, he wears a Space suit retro fitted with armour plates and a flight pack and armed with a crude combi-weapon of double barrelled blaster and battle-axe!!!

There is a nicely painted example over on Solegends.

These photos appear a little dark I may have to redo them.

LE1 Space Orc - side

LE1 Space Orc - front

LE1 Space Orc - side

LE1 Space Orc - back

Thanks for coming over

Tuesday 2 May 2017

LE9 Space Skeleton

Hello, today we a fun little miniature, another of the 'not so' Limited Edition's that Citadel Miniatures churned out, the Space Skeleton, released in 1986 and sculpted by Bob Naismith, I don't think there's anything else to really tell about this miniature.  The only undead I remember from the Warhammer 40,00 Rogue Trader rulebook were Vampires (Page 205) and Zombies (Page 207) so I guess you could use the rules for the latter to cover 'Space Skeletons' (I love saying that :D).  I was trying out the new Citadel Technical gemstone 'Soulstone Blue' paints on it's helmet visor and I think it worked quite well simply paint the area bright silver and wash the glossy thin colour over the top for effect.

There's other great painted examples over on Solegends, another here at Sho3box and on JB's blog Leadplague so get visiting them and show the guy's some love :)

Tim Prow's Diehard miniatures Kickstarter has a brilliant tribute to this miniature, it's a must see here on twitter which reminds me there is a thriving Oldhammer and old school miniatures/games following over on twitter that is worth checking out, it's really cool and tends to be a bit more mature than the Facebook carnage.

Space Skeleton - front

Space Skeleton - back

He gets about a bit

Next up we have 'Rambones' a Oldhammer miniature from the classic Citadel Miniatures C Series days, a 1987 C17 Skeleton sculpted I think by Aly Morrison. I painted this one up at the same time as my Space Skeleton and decided to include it here as it needed a home. Another play on the 1980's movie character Rambo which the citadel sculptors were quite keen on, I have a few citadel Rambo parodies so I may do a post on this subject one day.
Rambones - side

Rambones - side

Rambones - front

Rambones - back

White Dwarf 91 - C17 Skeletons, Rambones is on the top row

thanks for visiting

Thursday 27 April 2017

Citadel Judge Dredd Perps Part 6

Borag Thungg Earthlet,

Here's my latest batch of 1985 citadel Judge Dredd miniatures, I have tried to discipline myself and do more weaponless citizens, the hoi polloi of Mega-City One's streets.

Again these miniatures are mostly from the JD3 Perps and Muties range with the occasional Slaughter Margin campaign miniature.

First up we have 'Bel' from the Slaughter Margin range a later 1987 sculpt, looks a bit like Richard Beckinsale, this Perp is a Scrawler and carries a couple of spray cans, an excellent addition to my non-combatant miniatures.

Bel the Scrawler from Slaughter Margin - front

Bel the Scrawler from Slaughter Margin - back

Next up is another inhabitant of Big Meg, nameless 'Citizen' who carries a very goblinoid looking mutie a baby, I took a few photos of this one to show you the baby too.

Citizen (with Mutie baby) - side

Citizen (with Mutie baby) - front

Citizen (with Mutie baby) - back

Citizen (with Mutie baby) - side

Next we have 'Squid Face' of the 'Mutie Brotherhoodin the Cursed Earth saga progs 65-66. I have already painted several members of his gang, Morgar the leader, Brother JobeeBrother GomorrahMutie with BazookaMutie in Dress, Brother Obee is the final Brotherhood member to complete and he'll be finished soon.

Squid Face - side

Squid Face - back

Squid Face - front

Continuing with have another Mutie 'Skink' I don't recall this one from any Dredd stories but I will be keeping my eye out for him as I read old progs at bedtime, he'll make a excellent Cursed Earth desperado and he is a variant of the Perp miniature 'Dib', I aim to do a post comparing all the Judge Dredd variants and how they were used to seed other ranges one day.
Skink - front

Skink - back

Here we have Captain Ravioli a miniature I painted back in the early 1990's and tidied up a little, he has Link Angels head and Rhode Island Red's body.

Captain Ravioli - front

Captain Ravioli - back

The next two miniatures are Judge Dredd Uglies, there were about 16 variants of 3 poses, the two below I also painted back in the early 1990's, I have loads of these Uglies and hope to paint enough for an Ugly Mug Ball (Prog 447) one day. We have Pig face and Flat Face below.

Pig Face Ugly - front

Pig Face Ugly - back

Flat face Ugly - front

Flat Face - back
Thanks for popping by, Florix Grabundae