Hey Folks, my Khornate chaos warband is progressing nicely, I have 21 nicely painted miniatures to choose from so far and more on the workbench, here are the latest additions.
The first miniature is catalogued as Bull headed beastman with sword and can be seen here.
Bull headed with sword |
My second beastman today is an earlier miniature 'Gizilgig' half Boar, half man beastman and can be seen here and the orignal range from the third citadel compendium.
Gizilgig (Boar-man) |
Right onto the latest Chaos Thugs I have painted this week, full'ish' range can be seen here 0210, 0211, 0212, 0213, WD82.
The first Chaos Thug is armed with a Mace with a birds skull head and a shield, other nice features of this sculpt is the birds skull also on the dagger and sword (maybe a potential follower of Tzeentch?)
Maniac |
Here's another attempt at an 80's style shield but I won't despair as practice makes perfect. (See Orlygg's Ruinous Blog for more inspiration)
80's style shield |
Here my second Chaos Thug of the week I call him 'Hellboy', you got to admit there is a striking resemblance, not sure what all the jesters garb is all about I sense a resculpt of an existing citadel miniature here which was also the case for many of the Chaos Thug range.
Horn-head (Hellboy) |
Now some of your may recognise the shield, when I was stripping these miniatures I pulled all the shields off and most had Arcane Armorials shields transfers applied, I have always loved this design so I pulled the old shield out of the bits box, repainted the torn areas and chucked it on, I hope you like? (Check out Erny's great blog to learn more about applying these transfers, oh, Orlygg do an great article too)
Shield of Khorne |
thanks for reading