Sunday, 19 May 2013

Warband Progress Part 8

Hey Friends, I am a bit busy at the moment trying to fit in painting time and trades into family life so has you can tell my blog is being neglected, I thought a quick post is in order to show of some of my new painted miniatures for the pool of chaos miniatures that I will be picking from for the OldHammer Event.

Some new painted Chaos Thugs, the range can be seen here 0210021102120213WD82, CH6.

Side view shot of 'Cutter' for illustrious reader 'Minitrol'.
Cutter sideview

Here's another attempt at an 80's style shield . (See Orlygg's Blog for more inspiration)

Goatfoot with 80's style shield



Gorthar Chainarm

Markos Deathshead

The first Chaos beastman is a Bob Olley sculpt and can be seen here, not the most popular of beastmen sculpts, I think it is because the Olley sculpts are a bit 'samey'.

Olley Beastman

My second beastman today is an earlier miniature 'Swilefog' and can be seen here and the original range from the third citadel compendium.

Here's another shot of 'Swilefog' especially for the Boar-man mad 'Warlord Paul'

Swilefog sideview

And my third chaos beastman is a classic Khornate beastman with a gift of Fleshhound attributes. Here is catalogue page.

Khorngor Beastman


Wednesday, 8 May 2013

RT601 - Adventurers - Stocktake

Hi Folks, 
I thought it was about time I did a stock take on what RT601 Adventurers I own, what are painted and what are still to complete, what I missing and looking to trade. Painting my Adventurers collection is coming on slow but steady as most of my efforts have been diverted into my miniatures for the Oldhammer Event and I have to admit, I am really enjoying the wild variety of miniatures on offer while painting Chaos thugs and Beastmen especially to someone who wrecked them all first time round and most ended up on EBay.

These guy's remind me of  many of the characters I have discovered in various space operas while painting and listening to Sci-fi audio books, like Foundation, Dune, Hyperion Cantos, the list goes on.  They were created during Games Workshops/ Citadel miniatures most creative era and you will never see this sort of variety again, designed by Trish and Aly Morrison, Bob Naismith and Mark Copplestone.

The full original range can be seen here.

Original Advert from White Dwarf 99, March 1988
Like the Rogue Trader rulebook and other RT adverts Metal/Thrash music and other pop culture influenced quotes featured in the advert,

"Death sells... and you're buying" Attributed to Pirate Mustaine.  A homage to the song 'Peace Sells' on the 'Peace Sells.... But Who's Buying?' Album by Megdeth.

"Can you hear the sound of an enormous door slamming in the depths of hell" Attributed to Calvin Morris.  A homage to Thrash Punk band 'Discharge' from the song 'The possibility of life's destruction' on the 'Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing' Album.

The later extended range can be seen here and here.

Now here is what I have painted so far.

Halfling Cook, Pilot Lorgar, Astropath Yerl, Female Warrior Jayne, Female Warrior Gabs

Space Amazon, Hero, Extech, Mad Punk, Pirate Captain

Testbred Slave, Cyborg, Ventolin Pirate, Imperial Official

Here is what I have left to paint, hopefully by years end at a push.

Squat Engineer, Imperial Scout, Psyker, Imperial Assassin, Tech Priest Schlan

Scum, Scum, Squat Miner, Pilot Rav, Tech Priest Zon

Hive Worlder, Hive Worlder, Old Pirate, Old Pirate, Ships Officer

Space Pirate, Punk, Halfling Cook, Bandit, Imperial Official

Whoops, I almost forgot this guy who is on my painting desk being prepped.


Here is what am I missing, only two miniatures remain to complete set.

Eldar Trader

Astropath Korm
If you have either of these miniatures and want to trade for any of my RT601 - Adventurers doubles feel free to contact me.

Hope you enjoy

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Warband Progress Part 7

Hey Folks, my Khornate chaos warband is progressing nicely, I have 21 nicely painted miniatures to choose from so far and more on the workbench, here are the latest additions.

The first miniature is catalogued as Bull headed beastman with sword and can be seen here.

Bull headed with sword
My second beastman today is an earlier miniature 'Gizilgig' half Boar, half man beastman and can be seen here and the orignal range from the third citadel compendium.

Gizilgig (Boar-man)
Right onto the latest Chaos Thugs I have painted this week, full'ish' range can be seen here 0210021102120213, WD82.

The first Chaos Thug is armed with a Mace with a birds skull head and a shield, other nice features of this sculpt is the birds skull also on the dagger and sword (maybe a potential follower of Tzeentch?)

Here's another attempt at an 80's style shield but I won't despair as practice makes perfect. (See Orlygg's Ruinous Blog for more inspiration)

80's style shield

Here my second Chaos Thug of the week I call him 'Hellboy', you got to admit there is a striking resemblance, not sure what all the jesters garb is all about I sense a resculpt of an existing citadel miniature here which was also the case for many of the Chaos Thug range.

Horn-head (Hellboy)
Now some of your may recognise the shield, when I was stripping these miniatures I pulled all the shields off and most had Arcane Armorials shields transfers applied, I have always loved this design so I pulled the old shield out of the bits box, repainted the torn areas and chucked it on, I hope you like?  (Check out Erny's great blog to learn more about applying these transfers, oh, Orlygg do an great article too)

Shield of Khorne
thanks for reading