Showing posts with label Khorne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Khorne. Show all posts

Saturday, 13 April 2019

New-Oldhammer - First Encounters of a 40K kind

Hello, something a bit different from me today as you are well aware Games Workshop products are going through a bit of a renaissance that harks back to the golden Oldhammer age of gaming, big box games, familiar titles, etc, well I thought I would give some of this NewOldhammer, Newhammer, Nu-hammer, Neohammer or whatever you want to call it a go.

Now I considered the last 20 years of Games Workshop products as unworthy of my attention and was a bit snobbish about it all and very blinkered but the last two years or so of released products have excited me very much I had to have a word with myself 😆, the new products scream to me of days of old so what did I do only went and purchased each new game release when it came out, Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower, Necromunda, Kill team: Rogue Trader, etc while yearning for the day my 5 year old and I can play together. These boxed games are mostly still sitting on top of a wardrobe in their shrink wrap except Gorechosen and Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress which I have been doing some work on in my spare time.

Here are some of my efforts on miniatures from this new exciting era.

My fruits of a new age

from Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress, a robot (Men of Iron) who secretly possesses AI and is on a secret mission of his own.  It's been a bit of a struggle to get used to snap fix plastic miniatures but I got there in the end with this one, when painting this one I tried to get as close to the box art as possible as not to confuse my boy when we get around to playing the game, the green white effect was achieved with a 50/50 mix of Lahmian Medium and Nihilakh Oxide using modern Citadel Colour paints is totally new to me being a Vallejo paints fan but I liked the results so will be adding others when I need to. I did my usual basing style also adding a skull from the Citadel skulls set as I want to use this miniature more than just in Blackstone Fortress.

I have to apologise for the number of photos of UR-025 but I felt that there are so many little neat details I wanted to show from higher and lower angles plus if you know me my photography stinks, I am really impressed with the design.

UR-025 - front
UR-025 - side
UR-025 - side
UR-025 - back
UR-025 - gun side
UR-025 - front
UR-025 - front
UR-025 - Flamer side
UR-025 - back

Next up is 'Fexgor the Flayer' a Khornate Slaughterpriest with Hackblade and Wrath-hammer (what a mouthful), he came free with White Dwarf and the brilliant price of Gorechosen lead to my purchase for the game.  I went for typical Khorne colours and jazzed the base up a bit.

Fexgor the Flayer - front
Fexgor the Flayer - side
Fexgor the Flayer - back
Fexgor the Flayer - side
Fexgor the Flayer

The final miniature of today post is ForgeWorld's Necromunda 'Belladonna' the Noble Bounty Huntress, when I saw this I just had to have it as I have great love for John Blanche's work. This miniature is a homage to the Amazon Gothique painting and Chaos Amazon (LE15), I did a blog post discussing this miniature and it's influences here.  My paint job is my attempt to copy the image on the blister and that was a mistake as this miniature is bloody difficult to paint, the level of details is immense I don't think I touched a brush bigger than 5/0, my head hurts when thinking about how the Forgeworld painters achieved their final painted version.

Belladonna - front
Belladonna - side

Belladonna - side

Belladonna - back

Belladonna - side

Well I hope you have enjoy the start of my journey into the modern age, I am currently working on Thaddeus the Purifier for Blackstone Fortress so you will be seeing him soon along with many posts of the usual stuff.


Friday, 1 August 2014

Summer Time Chaos

Hello Friends,
I am back from my family summer holiday, after catching up on what I have missed I read another wonderful post by Orlygg over at the foremost Oldhammer blog Realm of Chaos 80's I received a plug to my blog, it energised me to get my arse in gear and add another post, here are some of the latest miniatures I have painted for my Realm of Chaos Warband which I can say is now developing into an army, I have made loads of trades over in the Oldhammer Trading Facebook community and have a horde of new Chaos Beastmen and Thugs to prep and paint when I get the time.

A big thank you to the boys in the Oldhammer community Facebook group for pointing me to Picasa, it has improved the quality of my photos tenfold. 

I do remember owning and painting this miniature first time round but it sadly ended up on eBay many years ago, this Realm of Chaos Champion I traded from Orlygg over a year ago and the miniature finally got a lick of paint, it is up there with my favourite Khornate Champions and reminds me of Master Blaster from Mad Max III, with attributes of chaos armour, mark of Khorne, mechanical body with tracked leg, manikin, chain-fist (and probably other ones I haven't spotted) what's not to love about this miniature. I think this champion is great for any Warhammer and W40k Chaos army and makes a great servitor or indentured slave usable in any Dark Heresy campaign.

Realm of Chaos Khornate Champion - front
Realm of Chaos Khornate Champion - back
The original RoC Champions of Chaos advert in White Dwarf 107 where he features see 021912

Next up is a 'C' series C35 Chaos Warrior 'Fenris' I originally painted him for a D20 Slaine RPG campaign I was running and just spruced him up a little to add to my constantly growing Chaos Thug horde, he definitely made his name in the barbarian fighting pits of the chaos wastes, I just love all his scarification markings and piercings.

Fenris the Chaos Warrior - front
Fenris the Chaos Warrior - back

C35 Chaos Warriors

Now we have more of my Beastmen of Khorne or Khorngor, the original RoC painted miniatures never cease to fire my imagination as I eagerly attempt to reproduce the RoC feel with my own paints and style, here are the original adverts from White Dwarf 105, 107 and my painted versions.

Beastmen of Khorne 022018
Beastmen of Khorne 022021
Probably my all time favourite chaos beastman he really captures the feel of the beastmen on the front of the RoC StD book and many of the illustrations inside.
Beastmen of Khorne 022002

I am sure this Khornate beastman started life as the Bloodbowl Werewolf Star player.

Beastmen of Khorne 022019 - front
Beastmen of Khorne 022019 - side

As usual I like to break up the painting theme and do something slightly different so I painted a Bob Olley RoC Nurgle  Beastman, like Marmite you either love them or hate them.

Beastman of Nurgle

Now everyone knows and loves this CH4 chaos beastman 'Hesh', he pops up all sorts of places including scenario sets and illustrations (see below) I shall add him to the regiment of chaos undivided beastmen I am slowly building up.

Ch4 Chaos Beastman 'Hesh'
CH4 Chaos Beastman - White Dwarf 95

Hesh gets shived by some brute

My Realm of Chaos Khorngor ranked

My Realm of Chaos Khorngor warband

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Warband Progress Part 10

Hi Folks,
Today's post is another Champion of Khorne for the pool of chaos miniatures to pick from for the OldHammer RoC Eventthe classic Realm of Chaos Champions of Khorne can be seen here.

This is one of my favourite chaos champion miniatures, gifted with technology which makes this miniature great for use in games of Rogue Trader and Dark Heresy.

So what gifts and attributes doe he have?  I would say apart from is Chaos Armour and Bladed Mace, he has Technology - Combi-Flamer/Bolter grafted on to his biomechanical arm,  a hunchback, horns and a prosthetic peg leg.

This miniature was obviously sculpted from the same dolly as the miniature in my last post.

Champion of Khorne (front)
Photo of the back of the miniature to show the Gigeresque sculpting of the biomechanical arm.
Champion of Khorne (back)

I painted the arm of this champion red for ease and to represent The Hand of Khorne. (see Realm of Chaos, Slaves to Darkness, Page 48)

The Hand of Khorne

As my miniature has a peg leg, I have included the rules for prosthetic limbs and the funny thing is that you champion can only have one if you have Chaos Dwarves in your Warband else your champion may have to hop around the battlefield. (see Realm of Chaos, The Lost and the Damned, Page 74)

Prosthetics for characters
If you are really love your Realm of Chaos champions I would like to point you  wonderful blog, please join in and get following.

Ok, so what have I been listening too while painting miniatures this week?

Waiting Death Colonel 'Iron Hand' Straken having one of his adventures.

Waiting Death (Audio drama)

Lucifer's Hammer (Audible) A really enjoyable disaster and post apocalyptic story.

Lucifer's Hammer | [Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle]

Thanks for looking and get joining my crew.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Warband Progress Part 7

Hey Folks, my Khornate chaos warband is progressing nicely, I have 21 nicely painted miniatures to choose from so far and more on the workbench, here are the latest additions.

The first miniature is catalogued as Bull headed beastman with sword and can be seen here.

Bull headed with sword
My second beastman today is an earlier miniature 'Gizilgig' half Boar, half man beastman and can be seen here and the orignal range from the third citadel compendium.

Gizilgig (Boar-man)
Right onto the latest Chaos Thugs I have painted this week, full'ish' range can be seen here 0210021102120213, WD82.

The first Chaos Thug is armed with a Mace with a birds skull head and a shield, other nice features of this sculpt is the birds skull also on the dagger and sword (maybe a potential follower of Tzeentch?)

Here's another attempt at an 80's style shield but I won't despair as practice makes perfect. (See Orlygg's Ruinous Blog for more inspiration)

80's style shield

Here my second Chaos Thug of the week I call him 'Hellboy', you got to admit there is a striking resemblance, not sure what all the jesters garb is all about I sense a resculpt of an existing citadel miniature here which was also the case for many of the Chaos Thug range.

Horn-head (Hellboy)
Now some of your may recognise the shield, when I was stripping these miniatures I pulled all the shields off and most had Arcane Armorials shields transfers applied, I have always loved this design so I pulled the old shield out of the bits box, repainted the torn areas and chucked it on, I hope you like?  (Check out Erny's great blog to learn more about applying these transfers, oh, Orlygg do an great article too)

Shield of Khorne
thanks for reading