Hello and welcome back, todays post is part one of a Oldhammer project I keep coming back to featuring Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader era medics and the casualty miniatures from the various Imperial ranges that I think marry up nicely with these miniatures. I am lucky enough to still own all these miniatures from back in the day although I did have to source one rare missing part and have a bit of stripping still to do, read on if you want to know more.
First batch - Rogue Trader Medics and a Squat casualty |
A couple of medic miniatures appeared in initial 1987 Space Marine, Imperial Army miniature ranges and plenty of casualty miniatures in the above ranges and Squat ranges then in White Dwarf 102 June 1988 we were treated to a brilliant 'Index Astartes' Medics article on page 71 and a beautiful accompanying RT701 Medics range. The Dave Gallagher's art in the article was awe-inspiring and I think you really feel the gravity of the situation the medics are in and this really sealed the deal for me I was sold.
White Dwarf 102 - Dave Gallagher - Medics in action |
The article also gave us Dave Andrew's imperial codex colour schemes for imperial forces, giving plenty of ideas of where we could go with our miniatures, back in the day I did Mentors Legion, Crimson Fists, 1st Regiment and Iron Hands.  |
Imperial codex schemes |
The miniatures I am aiming to paint in this project are pictured below, there are couple more prone miniatures I have that appear uncatalogued but not rare a common thing for the time. I have purposely omitted all the miniatures with bandages, etc as they are walking wounded who still have some fight in them and will be included in other projects so prone wounded only for this project.
Rogue Trader era Medics and Casualties I aim to paint |
First up we have '04 Marine' from the RT701 Medics range, released in 1988's White Dwarf 102 and I think he may have been sculpted by Mark Copplestone. Now when I originally bought these medics I checked all the blister packs on the wall in Games Workshop Birmingham and none had the medics banner present but I was so excited to get hold of these I purchased them anyway. While trying to finish off my Rogue Trader era collection a years ago I thought I would keep an eye out for this very hard to find item, 7 years later I spotted one and snapped it up. The banner required a lot of restoration and I made it more robust with a steel pole and I kept the off centre placing like the adverts marines banner.
I painted the medic up as a Flesh Tearers to fit in with my other Space Marine project, the colour scheme I made up, not sure what the codex scheme is . I have decided for this project to paint what I felt was medical equipment in a light teal to give it a medical identity similar to what is available in todays medical industry and for the supply packs, pockets, pouches, etc I painted white to stand out. This ranges miniatures all featured an imperial version of the medical symbol 'caduceus' on their shoulder pads, the banner and on their headgear the Laurus nobilis wreath, a symbol of their gained knowledge.
RT701 Space Marine Medic 04 - front |
RT701 Space Marine Medic 04 - back
RT701 Space Marine Medic 04 - Imperial Caduceus |
RT701 Space Marine Medic 04 - helmet laurus nobilis wreath symbol |
Following on we have 2 Squat Medics again from the RT701 Medics range and this time I believe sculpted by the Perry Twins.
Here we have 'Squat 07', again I made up my own colour scheme, I gave him a red drinkers nose as copious alcohol consumption is required to cope in his battlefield role and I continued the light teal equipment theme on his cute Squat sized chainsword. He is a member of the 2nd Regiment and the badges number from 2nd Edition Imperial Guard decals which I trimmed the surrounding circle off and placed on a blue and yellow background. One of the details I love about these squats is they have medical backpack with screen and a device that might be a defibrillator or just a microphone.
RT701 Squat Medic 07 - front |
RT701 Squat Medic 07 - front |
RT701 Squat Medic 07 - Imperial caduceus and laurel wreath detail |
And Now we have 'Squat 07', again I have gone for the reddened face and the insignia of the 2nd Regiment, this wears a cap and carries a lasgun, I gave this one white body armour and painted up the backpack the same as Squat 06.
RT701 Squat Medic 06 - front |
RT701 Squat Medic 06 - back |
RT701 Squat Medic 06 - Imperial caduceus |
Next we have an Iron Claw squat casualty, if it is indeed Iron Claw it was of course sculpted by Bob Olley it's certainly his style, I couldn't find this one in the catalogues but I have a couple so I am not saying it's a rarity, he has your typical prone casualty back, flat, blank with a Games Workshop date stamp like the majority of the casualty miniatures. He appears to have been shot in the shoulder pad and is lying there waiting for medical attention grimacing. I made some little discarded bandages for his base with tissue paper and pva taking inspiration from photos of Vietnam medics I had seen who in the mayhem littered the battlefield with used medical items.
I might retake this photo, prone miniatures can be difficult.
Iron Claw Squat Casualty |
I have included in this project a Rogue Trader style fan sculpt Space Marine Terminator Apothecary as it scales perfectly the Space Marine Terminators of the time, these miniatures were available as part of a 5 man set which included a Chaplain, Apothecary, Heavy Plasma gunner and other cool options and could be acquired through a Facebook group but I think no longer available. I had to paint this miniature as quick as possible it was lovely and I found the concept of a Terminator Medic interesting.
This miniature is a really clean and highly detailed resin cast and underarm part has the Narthecium with Reductor, a combo drill/chainsaw for puncturing power armour and harvesting a fallen marines Progenoid Gland connecting to vials around his waist and a light on the hood of his armour. I kept with my Flesh Tearers theme so painted him red and black, I sourced a 3d print Terminator shoulder icon from my usual provider mars_forges on eBay and used a 'The Mighty Brush' Not Flesh Tearers Blood drop buzzsaw decal, I highly recommend these, superb quality.
Space Marine Terminator Apothecary medic - front |
Space Marine Terminator Apothecary medic - side
Space Marine Terminator Apothecary medic - back
Space Marine Terminator Apothecary medic - side
Fan Sculpt Rogue Trader style Terminator squad |
Fan Sculpt size comparisons |
Design Art was by @spevna give him a follow on Twitter
Fan sculpt Terminator Chaplain Art |
Fan Sculpt Apothecary Art |
Thanks for dropping in, part 2 will be in a while, something different next time.J