Showing posts with label C23 Ogres. Show all posts
Showing posts with label C23 Ogres. Show all posts

Monday, 23 July 2018

C Series C23 Oriental Ogre

Hello, todays post is another queued up blog draft, the classic Oldhammer Citadel Miniature C Series C23 Oriental Ogre sculpted by the legendary Jes Goodwin and released in 1985.  Everyone loves a bargain right and this one cost me £5.00 with a broken weapon which was an easy fix with a bit of pinning, I never overlook a cheap damaged miniature and always enjoy the restoration job.

This Oriental Ogre or Oni has obviously been plying his trade in Nippon, armed with some sort of Naginata (polearm or glaive) with a spiked ball and chain attached, adorned in segments of samurai armour but I dare not name them all as I would bore you off to another blog.

I went for feudal Japan with my style and choice of colours on the clothing, influenced by those beautiful flowing garments in my favourite 1980's 'Samurai' movies and shows like RanShogun Assassin and James Clavell's Shogun miniseries (which I have to watch every time it's on TV). Finally I added some electrostatic tuft flowers which I purchased really cheap off eBay.

C23 Oriental Ogre - front

C23 Oriental Ogre - side

C23 Oriental Ogre - more side

I originally attempted to paint the word pain in Japanese on his sword scabbard but it was a disastrous effort so I started again in English, it was well received by the twitter masses.

C23 Oriental Ogre - back

C23 Oriental Ogre - coming at ya!

C23 Oriental Ogre - trying to get the angle right

C23 Oriental Ogre 

C23 Oriental Ogre - White Dwarf Advert

Close up of C23 Oriental Ogre 

Now if this post has got your juices flowing I suggest you go and enjoy Colin's excellent blog posts on all things Nippon here and here, its very enjoyable and I must not forgot Zhu with his very unique style of blogging has much to say on the subject here.

I hope you enjoyed this classic miniature, more to come so follow me on Twitter for lots of #Oldhammer tweets, the Twitter Oldhammer community is growing come join in.
