Showing posts with label Zoat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zoat. Show all posts

Monday, 20 February 2017

Rogue Trader - TSF18 Space Zoat Loorg

Welcome back, today's miniature is from the classic Warhammer 40,00 Rogue Trader Space Zoat's range, this one is named 'Loorg' and classified as a Hero, there were three other classes of Space Zoat, Officer, Trooper and Heavy Weapons Trooper.

I haven't read much fluff about this race and only what was written in the section from page 201 from the Warhammer 40,00 Rogue Trader rulebook (which I have included below for your enjoyment), I am sure this race was mentioned in Ian Watson's 1993 Warhammer 40,00 novel 'Space Marine' and were slaves of the Tyranid Fleet (fleet name escape me).

I didn't find this the most enjoyable miniature to paint and am dreading painting the other three miniatures from this range but I went for the classic green theme of the adverts.

Space Zoat Hero Loorg - front

Space Zoat Hero Loorg - side

Space Zoat Hero Loorg - side

I took this image from the classic Warhammer 40,00 Chapter Approved - Book of Astronomican as I love the name graphic and again confusing product code, TSF18??? (answers in the comments section please).

Loorg - RT Rulebook page 203

Space Zoat Hero Loorg - page 13 RT rulebook

Zoat section from page 201 from the Warhammer 40,00 Rogue Trader rulebook

Diego's Space Raider's Kickstarter campaign has a new version of the Space Zoat under the Alien Monsters header below and I look forward to painting this one and adding it as the leader of my Citadel Zoats.

Thanks for visiting, now get following :)

p.s. I have a spare Space Zoat Loorg for trade if you have anything really juicy for me :)