Monday 28 December 2020

Space Crusade - Ultramarine Commander

Hello, during lockdown and with the boy at home, home schooling went to pot and out from the loft came the 1990 M&B classic Space Crusade, my son loved it, I saw it as an education activity and we went on to play many scenarios and some homebrew ones of my own, we used some originally painted miniatures from the early 1990's and some unpainted figures.  

When I got the box down from the loft of holding and opened it up I found three sets of the game crammed into one box and the 1991 Mission dreadnought expansion with those awful Tarantula guns.

The box graphics with those photos of garish painted Space Marines gave me the urge to have a go at painting one so in my boys honour I did and here's the result, I might do some more one day maybe during another lockdown.

Space Crusade - Ultramarine Commander - front

Space Crusade - Ultramarine Commander - back

Now go get your Space Crusades out your loft's and treat the kids.


Sunday 27 December 2020

Fantasy Oldhammer distractions

Hey, another little post today as you can see from my blog posts I mainly paint sci-fi miniatures related to Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader or 2000ad but I often get distracted and start a classic Oldhammer fantasy miniature on the side, I find them exciting and fun as it catapults me straight back to my teenage years, many of the fantasy miniatures I paint are ones I have painted back then and have stripped them of their original enamel paints to have another go. I have some cracking fantasy on the go which you will see soon but in the meantime have a look below at some of the fantasy miniatures I have finished in the last few months, it's a bit of a dump blog post, enjoy.

First up is a C Series 1985 C02 Wizards female sorceress 'Samantha Phox' sculpted by Aly Morrison, I was dying to give this miniature an update from it's blocked in bronze flesh enamel original, there's lots of lovely tiny little details like rings and garter that make this miniature so sweet to paint, I think she would be at home in any 1980's fantasy painting.

C02 Wizard Samantha Phox - front

C02 Wizard Samantha Phox - back

Next is a C Series 1986 C25 Minotaurs 'Bhovus' sculpted by Bob Naismith, This was the second Minotaur I ever owned and used it for AD&D originally painted in human flesh colours, I went for a Yeti feel with this one, a snow Minotaur from the frozen chaos wastes if you like, I just love the absolutely massive muscles with a realistic sized bulls head.

C25 Minotaur Bhovus - front

C25 Minotaur Bhovus - back

I still have my 'finish every Oldhammer Beastman ever created' project on the back-boiler so occasionally get one out to do and this time I chose a 1988 Realm of Chaos Beastmen of Khorne sculpted by Jes Goodwin, he is a bit of a mini minotaur, it was a joy to paint, my original paint job was dreadful as I had painted him for my whacky Genestealer cult army.

Realm of Chaos Beastman of Khorne - front

Realm of Chaos Beastman of Khorne - back

Realm of Chaos Beastman of Khorne - side

Finally we have 1988 Realm of Chaos Champion of Khorne with technology sculpted by Jes Goodwin, not too pleased with this paint job the red feels a bit flat and bright but it's better than my original version that was painted as a Champion of Nurgle!!! so I'll take it as I am not stripping it again.

Realm of Chaos Champion of Khorne with technology - front

Realm of Chaos Champion of Khorne with technology - front

Well I hope you have enjoyed these odd paint jobs now back to my space pirates I go.


Saturday 26 December 2020

Forces of the Imperium - Inquisitor with power weapon

Hello, todays Oldhammer miniature blog post features the 1989 Inquisitor with power weapon which made it's appearance in White Dwarf 118 October 1989 as part of the Forces of the Imperium range, I think it might have been sculpted by Jes Goodwin, the range mainly consisted of inquisitors but also featured assassins and a Rogue Trader who I have previously blogged here

The miniature like other Inquisitors of the range has really interesting armour, personalised, baroque styling, is he wearing foot clamps for zero gravity fighting or are they bionic feet? What is going on with the powersword it is so phallic was the sculptor having a laugh here?  My favourite feature is his unique backpack with cloak that you don't see used on any other Rogue Trader era miniature, the downside of this backpack is that it completely obscures the back of the miniature (photo below).

Now you don't see many painted examples of this miniature out on the web for inspiration so I just went a bit crazy, I put away the usual reds and golds I would lean towards for an Imperial Inquisitor and dug out some more radical base colours, citadel colour hawk turquoise for his main suit then for the main plates vallejo game color plague brown which is more of a mustard colour and a vallejo royal purple cloak, the power weapon and power fist I painted with a blue green iridescent paint.  I think his colour scheme gives him an aquatic feel, maybe he's off cleansing xenos Saharduin on the ocean planet of Piscea or having some other underwater adventure.

Inquisitor with power weapon
Inquisitor with power weapon - front

Inquisitor with power weapon - side

Inquisitor with power weapon - back

Inquisitor with power weapon - side

Not long after the photo below all this lovely detail was covered up forever by is backpack and cloak.

Inquisitor with power weapon - work in progress

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