Showing posts with label Genestealer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Genestealer. Show all posts

Monday, 18 April 2022

Orc Hybrid - Knightmare Miniatures

Hello, quick post from the backlog of drafts, a few months ago I finished this Oldhammer style miniature from Knightmare Miniatures Space Raiders range the Orc Hybrid obviously based on the Freebooterz Ork-Genestealer hybrid, I fell in love with this miniature the moment I saw it and think it's a great improvement on the original Ork hybrid miniature which I was never a fan of.

I went for typical Space Ork colours with traditional purple and blue Genestealer body parts and finished it off with a custom resin base, check out the shoulder pad I love it.

Orc Hybrid - front

Orc Hybrid - side with Genestealer cult shoulder pad

Orc Hybrid - side

Orc Hybrid - back

Orc Hybrid - side

Below is a picture of the Ork-Genestealer hybrid Frebooterz mob, I didn't find this mob inspiring, maybe it was the lack of official Ork hybrid miniatures or the flat paint job, in fact I have never been a big fan of this wave of Space Orks with their plastic arms and weapons, I found them goofy compared to first wave. I don't think GW ever revisited Ork hybrids which is probably for the best.

Zodgog's brood

Thanks for dropping in and get yourself over to Knightmare miniatures and bag yourself some real fun sculpts.

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Rogue Trader - Ymgarl Genestealer - Fan Sculpt

Hello and welcome back, this my fourth post in a row featuring Oldhammer fan sculpts, I just love fan sculpts and fancied getting some of these beautiful miniatures finished and put down the Rogue Trader pirates for a couple of weeks. Today's post features the Ymgarl Genestealer, based on the original illustration featured on page 211 of the Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader rulebook and sculpted by in 2020 by Drew Day Williams of Satyr Art Studio.

If you don't know the original Genestealer, here's the lore,

"This enigmatic monster originates from one of the moons of Ymgarl, but has spread throughout space and is threatening to become a real menace. In its native state it is blue, has two pairs of clawed arms, a long muscular tail and a tough leech-like body. Its head is a simple tube full of slobbering tendrils and sharp inward-pointing teeth. What makes the Genestealer truly unique is its deadly and extremely rapid reproductive cycle. Genestealer are of a single gender, and are incapable of reproducing amongst themselves. To reproduce they require another creature, any creature will suffice, of any gender. For all the Genestealer requires is the basic genetic material which is contained in every living cell of the mate. A Genestealer implants its own genetic material in the form of an egg capsule, which is forced into the body of the host by an extendible ovipositor normally secreted inside the head. The implantation does not kill the mate immediately, but the implanted egg quickly grows until ready to burst out as an immature Genestealer. Needless to say, this kills the parent/host. Interestingly enough, newly born creatures, although fundamentally Genestealers, will have characteristics inherited from the host parent. Thus a Genestealer/human may have a vaguely humanoid head, or only two arms instead of the usual four, and perhaps its tail will be shortened or missing. A Genestealer of four or more generations consistent of human parentage would pass for a human on cursory inspection, although a closer look would reveal a bluish skin, sharp pointed teeth and rather disturbing stare. On their home world, Genestealers exploit a large leech-like creature called a Csith which is the usual mate. Matings with a Csith always produce natural Genestealers, no matter what its parentage otherwise." 

The build was easy enough the miniature came in 3 parts so I had to glue two of the arms on, there's some room there for pose variations, when it came to painting this miniature I wanted to go for blue as described in the Genestealer lore above but couldn't decide on which one, I felt Ultramarine would just look silly and other pastel shades of blue I had would make it look like a 1980's follower of Slaanesh, I wanted the tone of the sinister Alien in the movies, in the end I decided to go with Vallejo Model Color 'Dark Sea Blue' as a base which I washed with Citadel Contrast Black, drybrushed the base colour again and highlighted a couple times with the base colour with increasing amount white mixed in.  I did the mouth in a light violet washed purple and black claws highlighted with greys/white. The miniature is quite busy, I found there's a lot going on and picking out a detail or two might spoil the feel I was going for so to finish it off I added some white spots as I had seen a image of a leech with them and then gave it a brush coat of Citadel 'ard coat varnish for a slimy effect et voila I had a Csith Genestealer.

I thought I was done but lo and behold there was a problem, this miniature has a lot of deep detail and where the 'ard coat had pooled it had turned cloudy. It seemed no one knew how to rectify this problem when the varnish was brushed on, sprayed on yes, there was a couple of suggestions on FB but I tried develop my own fix.  My final fix involved a tiny 0/5 brush and 100% acetone, I carefully attacked each cloudy pool with a brush dipped in acetone and the pool disappeared detail was restored although back to matt finish, after that I washed the miniature down thoroughly with water and lightly painted 'ard coat back on and hey presto problem fixed.

** Update **
Now I have had a lot of messages on FB and Twitter on about where one could potentially get hold of fan sculpts and I've always been unhappy tagging a person as they might get spammed, anyway I happy to announce that these miniatures are available from Ye Alchemist now do yourself a favour and go buy you will not be disappointed.

Ymgarl Genestealer - right

Ymgarl Genestealer - left

Ymgarl Genestealer - front

If you compare the original illustration to the miniature you can see what a good job Drew did on this sculpt.
Ymgarl Genestealer illustration from the Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader rulebook

This miniature is huge look how it scales up to a fan sculpt Protonid.

Which is better? There's only one way to find out: FIGHT!

Size comparison at the annual hive general meeting

I recently received a gift of a  transparent Ymgarl Genestealer from a very nice chap of the Oldhammer community, one of only 20 transparent resin casts made, I feel very honoured, thanks.

I have no idea how to photograph transparent miniatures but I experimented a little below.

++ Beware Brother ++

Right, I'm going back to smaller miniatures for a while this little journey was hard work :D


Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Genestealer Patriarch

Hey, apologies for the lack of updates but the house is in a right state as I have decorators in sorting out my new hobby room so painting is out of the question, everything is stored in cupboards and I am confined to the kitchen prepping and stripping miniatures. I can't wait to upload some pictures of the finished room which will be dedicated to miniature painting and other hobby related matters and hopefully I will be able to sneak bucket loads of Rogue Trader/Oldhammer stuff out of the loft and passed the missus.

Today's miniature is a running Genestealer Patriarch that I think was released towards the end of the Rogue trader era, I finished it last month. I am not the biggest fan of this miniature but I never purchased the more favoued Genestealer Patriarch on throne as I think it had sold out at the time, another painted version can be seen here on the Lexicanum site which I highly recommend.

The miniature looks like it was scuplted by Bob Olley to me but I am not 100%.

I painted this one up for our Dark Heresy/Deathwatch campaign but our Games Master went and sourced a more modern Broodlord from Ebay so it is now redundant for a while.

I love the Genestealer cult necklace it wears.

Genestealer Patriarch - front
Genestealer Patriarch - side

And here it is running amok around a Space Hulk.

On another note while painting miniatures is not an option for at least two weeks, I have been prepping Realm of Chaos miniatures hoping that I will be able to take part in the Oldhammer Realm of Chaos day at the Foundry.  Here is a picture of some of the Beastmen and Chaos Thugs I am hoping to choose from.

I have the next two days off work while the decorators are in so I am hoping to spray undercoat these miniatures in the greenhouse and on day two dettol strip another thirty chaos thugs and roughly the same number of chaos dwarves, I am hoping to get a good miniature foundation to choose from when it comes to seriously rolling a chaos champions warband, all drunken warband rolling efforts have been terrible so far so I thought I would sort out the miniature pool to choose from first. See Oldhammer and Orlygg's blog for more inspiration.


Saturday, 16 February 2013

Rogue Trader - Genestealer Magus

Hello friends of the blog, Today's miniature is a Genestealer Magus, see the Genestealer guide over on Collecting Citadel Minatures wiki, now I have got to admit White Dwarf magazines 114-116 sent me Genestealer mental, the illustrations, background and painted cult army were the coolest thing going at the time, I had to have them so I purchased loads of them, built a cult army added Cultist Imperial Guard, Chaos Beastmen and I even converted Genestealers holding Daemon weapons.  A few months ago I got ten Genestealer Hybrid miniatures out the loft stripped with Dettol not my usual method but I am not using Nitromors in my lovely new sink, prepped and had a go at painting them, here is the first one. I have loads finshed to show you soon but I am hoping to do a whole blog post on these guy's.

Genestealer Magus

Genestealer Magus

I managed to knock a few more out.

Genestealer Hybrids

Genestealer Hybrids
Genestealer Hybrid

Genestealer Hybrid
Genestealer Magus

Genestealer Magus
Genestealer Hybrid

Genestealer Hybrid

Here is one of my Hybrid/traitor guard conversions to wet your appetite.

Genestealer Hybrid Cultist conversion

I hope you like