Showing posts with label Marauders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marauders. Show all posts

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Painting Rust - Brogar Brainbeater

Hello Friends, in this post I would like to share a simple technique I used for painting rusty armour, this is the first time I have ever used it on a standard sized miniature but often used it on my Imperial Guard tanks back in the mid 1990's when we were playing Warhammer 40k 2nd edition.  I needed a short break from painting Chaos Beastmen so I when I went through my storage box of chaos miniatures and selected victim for this experiment, who but none other than 'Brogar Brainbeater' fitted the bill with his heavy armour and halberd, he started life as a F5 Marauder and was eventually discontinued and incorporated into the Chaos Thug range, I really like this heavily armoured miniature and wanted to give him the degenerated look of a knight who had turned to chaos.

So this is how I went about it.

What you need:
An old Brush 
Tub lid with rim to keep your crushed pastels on as they are really messy 
White Spirit (I used Winsor and Newton but any should be fine)
2 artist pastels Orange and Terracotta both crushed
A can of Army Painter Platemail primer spray (only £3 in my model shop) 
Vallejo Oily Steel acrylic paint


  1. Clean up miniature as usual.
  2. Spray with Army Painter Platemail primer.
  3. Constantly wetting the old brush with white spirit,  dip and mix with the Terracotta crushed pastel and paint liberally over miniature getting it in the recesses while leaving some raised areas in the original platemail colour, it is important to keep dipping your brush as the pastels soak up the white spirit in lightening speed and it will go dry.
  4. do the same again with the crushed Orange pastel working it on top of the Terracotta but leaving some Terracotta still visible.
  5. Any raised areas where you wanted to show the original metal but went over it with pastels revisit and carefully paint over with your metal colour in my case Vallejo Oily Steel.
  6. Paint in your details, horns, belts, etc
  7. Base as usual and Acrylic SPRAY varnish, do not brush varnish or you will be left with a reddy brown mess as the pastels go powdery when dry and will reactivate.
  8. You should now be finished, quick and easy.

Here the final miniature I hope you like the results I think it is quite effective.

Rusty Brogar Brainbeater - front

Rusty Brogar Brainbeater - back

I hope you enjoyed this post and let me know if you give this technique a go.


Sunday, 27 April 2014

Painting Resumes And Chaos Reigns

Hello Friends, 
As some of you know I had have a had break from blogger and painting due to the birth of my second son (18 years apart) so the painting and modelling room had to be swapped out for a nursery.  Things are slowly getting back to normal here so I managed to set-up my painting desk in the guest room over the Easter holidays and knock out a few miniatures, I still have a thirst on for Realm of Chaos Thugs and aim to paint every single one ever released, here are some of my latest efforts.

The first Chaos Thug I painted is 'Zarygor Bloodrage', this well fearsome looking Chaos Thug was originally from the F5 - Marauders range designed by the Perry twins before being incorporated into the Chaos Thug ranges. Being more armoured than your average Chaos Thug Zarygor would make a nice command miniature or a leader for you warband.

Zarygor Bloodrage

Next miniature I painted is 'Number 14' from the Chaos Thug range featured in White Dwarf 101, unfortunately citadel stopped naming rank and file troops so he is simply '14', the sculpt is a bit bigger than your usual Chaos Thug but he adds variety to a unit.

Number 14
Here we have another miniature from White Dwarf 101 Chaos Thug range 'Number 17', a bit of a strange individual who looks like he has been pulled straight out of a Conan the Barbarian story, the sculpts of the later Chaos Thugs were really fantastical and by so many different scuplters (Jes Goodwin, Trish and Aly Morrison, and Micheal and Alan Perry) and in so many different styles.

Number 17
Next I painted 'Haitch Shieldblow' from the Chaos Thug range in White Dwarf 98, he has a chain shackle around his neck so I imagine he was a escaped slave or convict that ended up in the chaos wastes.

Haitch Shieldblow
I then painted 'Number 19' from White Dwarf 101 Chaos Thug range, nice to see a Chaos Thug who does not look human.
Number 19
Next is 'Stoop' from the classic CH6 Chaos Thug range in White Dwarf 92, probably my favourite range released ever.

And 'Rivet' another classic miniature from the CH6 Chaos Thug range in White Dwarf 92.

I found out an Arcane Armorials shield transfer to make him truly Oldhammer.

Arcane Armorials shield transfer
This next miniature I purchased cheap from Ebay with the intention of stripping it and repainting it but when it arrived apart from a lot of scratches and chips to the paint work I thought the paint job was quite good so a bit of a repaint and repair was in order and I was pleased with the salvage job.

He is 'Nud Spinespittle' a C35 Chaos Warrior from the Third Citadel Compendium, a lot smaller than the Realm of Chaos era warriors and champions so I thought he would fit into my Chaos Thug regiment just nice, this is my plan for most of the earlier smaller Chaos Warriors.

Nud Spinespittle Chaos Warrior

Then I got a bit bored and knocked out a couple of C11 Halflings, why? no idea, I might do some more as I have the whole range in an old dusty box .  I had to make some new swords for them and pin them on as the original swords were dark grey bits of lead wire thin. More Halflings can be seen here on the Collecting Citadel Miniatures Wiki.

Shield design was inspired by a baby grow I was dressing the little one in, the theme was counting sheep which is quite apt for a Halfling shield I think :D
Big Waist

Oh! I have just found a few photos I took at last years Oldhammer event, if you are pictured in any of these photos and did not get a mention let me know and I will put your name up as it was last August and a few of your names escape me now. 

The Realm of Chaos event board
The very impressive Wargames Foundry building

My Khornate Warband assembled for bloodletting
Orlygg's partner in crime Dan reading some rules to two leaders of Slaaneshi warbands
Orlygg and Ninja watching the action unfold

Warlord Paul leading Lord Savage's Slaaneshi Warband
Ninja dealing some death with his Khornate Warband
Lord Savage and that 'effing' Troll he was so stupid
Some Ogres beating up my Chaos Beastmen

A fantastic BloodBowl stadium

It's great to be back :D