Showing posts with label Warband. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warband. Show all posts

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Warband Progress Part 10

Hi Folks,
Today's post is another Champion of Khorne for the pool of chaos miniatures to pick from for the OldHammer RoC Eventthe classic Realm of Chaos Champions of Khorne can be seen here.

This is one of my favourite chaos champion miniatures, gifted with technology which makes this miniature great for use in games of Rogue Trader and Dark Heresy.

So what gifts and attributes doe he have?  I would say apart from is Chaos Armour and Bladed Mace, he has Technology - Combi-Flamer/Bolter grafted on to his biomechanical arm,  a hunchback, horns and a prosthetic peg leg.

This miniature was obviously sculpted from the same dolly as the miniature in my last post.

Champion of Khorne (front)
Photo of the back of the miniature to show the Gigeresque sculpting of the biomechanical arm.
Champion of Khorne (back)

I painted the arm of this champion red for ease and to represent The Hand of Khorne. (see Realm of Chaos, Slaves to Darkness, Page 48)

The Hand of Khorne

As my miniature has a peg leg, I have included the rules for prosthetic limbs and the funny thing is that you champion can only have one if you have Chaos Dwarves in your Warband else your champion may have to hop around the battlefield. (see Realm of Chaos, The Lost and the Damned, Page 74)

Prosthetics for characters
If you are really love your Realm of Chaos champions I would like to point you  wonderful blog, please join in and get following.

Ok, so what have I been listening too while painting miniatures this week?

Waiting Death Colonel 'Iron Hand' Straken having one of his adventures.

Waiting Death (Audio drama)

Lucifer's Hammer (Audible) A really enjoyable disaster and post apocalyptic story.

Lucifer's Hammer | [Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle]

Thanks for looking and get joining my crew.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Warband Progress Part 9

Hello Friends of the blog, 
I would like to apologise for the lack posts on my blog lately, with it being holiday season I went away for my annual board gaming weekend with my mates to Wales and finally the weather turned nice so I had to catch up on making the garden look nice.

I have managed to fit in some painting and here are the latest fruits of my labour for my steadily growing pool of chaos miniatures to pick from for the OldHammer Event.

First we have another Champion of Khorne so I now have two to choose from.

He can be seen here, now the catalogue entry lists that he armed with a sword and attributed with horns but I can see a lot more going on here and I am sure he is gifted with the Face of Khorne, horns, a mane of hair, a mark of Khorne on his forehead and of course chaos armour, if you think otherwise I would love to here from you.

I would also like to thank Orlygg for making this miniature possible as he traded it to me.

Champion of Khorne
Close up of my abstract Khorne icon design

Again more Chaos Thugs, I well and truly have the bug for these guys and aim to paint one of each miniature in the range.

The range can be seen here 0210021102120213WD82CH6WD92.

anyone know his name?
I painted Grimface below up about 15 years ago and had to spice him up a little, I was mooching around for more chaos miniatures when I came across a box of unfinished projects and he was one of them, I also found the beastman with skull mask and flail which is lucky as I keep on losing ebay auctions for him.
Grimface the Touchy
Then I got a bit bored and thought I would have a break from Khorne and all his bloodletting for an erotic encounter (ooer!), no this did not involve the missus, I had a mooch around my miniatures and found a few Slaaneshi miniatures and decided to paint a couple of Slaaneshi Chaos Beastmen.  I have to admit it made a nice change although I do have plenty of half finished Rogue Trader miniatures to be getting on with.

These miniatures can be seen here in the 1991 'red' catalogue.

I realised that I may have been getting a bit carried away as this pool of chaos miniatures seems to be developing into a bit of a chaos army as you can see below the ranks of Beastmen and Thugs arrayed that I have painted since the middle of March.

I almost forgot, this week I have been listening to Gaunt's Ghosts in Salvations Reach Audio book, which I really enjoyed, it had just the right balance between character development, intrigue and battles, read with his Scottish twang by James MacPherson which I think makes the characters far more believable. I suggest you give it a go.

Thanks for visiting

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Warband Progress Part 8

Hey Friends, I am a bit busy at the moment trying to fit in painting time and trades into family life so has you can tell my blog is being neglected, I thought a quick post is in order to show of some of my new painted miniatures for the pool of chaos miniatures that I will be picking from for the OldHammer Event.

Some new painted Chaos Thugs, the range can be seen here 0210021102120213WD82, CH6.

Side view shot of 'Cutter' for illustrious reader 'Minitrol'.
Cutter sideview

Here's another attempt at an 80's style shield . (See Orlygg's Blog for more inspiration)

Goatfoot with 80's style shield



Gorthar Chainarm

Markos Deathshead

The first Chaos beastman is a Bob Olley sculpt and can be seen here, not the most popular of beastmen sculpts, I think it is because the Olley sculpts are a bit 'samey'.

Olley Beastman

My second beastman today is an earlier miniature 'Swilefog' and can be seen here and the original range from the third citadel compendium.

Here's another shot of 'Swilefog' especially for the Boar-man mad 'Warlord Paul'

Swilefog sideview

And my third chaos beastman is a classic Khornate beastman with a gift of Fleshhound attributes. Here is catalogue page.

Khorngor Beastman


Saturday, 4 May 2013

Warband Progress Part 7

Hey Folks, my Khornate chaos warband is progressing nicely, I have 21 nicely painted miniatures to choose from so far and more on the workbench, here are the latest additions.

The first miniature is catalogued as Bull headed beastman with sword and can be seen here.

Bull headed with sword
My second beastman today is an earlier miniature 'Gizilgig' half Boar, half man beastman and can be seen here and the orignal range from the third citadel compendium.

Gizilgig (Boar-man)
Right onto the latest Chaos Thugs I have painted this week, full'ish' range can be seen here 0210021102120213, WD82.

The first Chaos Thug is armed with a Mace with a birds skull head and a shield, other nice features of this sculpt is the birds skull also on the dagger and sword (maybe a potential follower of Tzeentch?)

Here's another attempt at an 80's style shield but I won't despair as practice makes perfect. (See Orlygg's Ruinous Blog for more inspiration)

80's style shield

Here my second Chaos Thug of the week I call him 'Hellboy', you got to admit there is a striking resemblance, not sure what all the jesters garb is all about I sense a resculpt of an existing citadel miniature here which was also the case for many of the Chaos Thug range.

Horn-head (Hellboy)
Now some of your may recognise the shield, when I was stripping these miniatures I pulled all the shields off and most had Arcane Armorials shields transfers applied, I have always loved this design so I pulled the old shield out of the bits box, repainted the torn areas and chucked it on, I hope you like?  (Check out Erny's great blog to learn more about applying these transfers, oh, Orlygg do an great article too)

Shield of Khorne
thanks for reading

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Warband Progress Part 6

Hi Friends, more Chaos Thugs for my Khornate Warband, you have got to love the versatility of the Chaos Thug miniatures they could be used for lots of roles in cultists, mutants, horrors, post apocalyptic bandits, the list goes on. I love painting these miniatures they are all so different and were sculpted by a throng of different citadel staff of the times.

Chaos Thug Range: 0210, 0211, 0212, 0213, WD82

Korsitt Deathglare
(also listed as Mad Axe Martin on some catalogue pages but he doesn't have an axe?)


WIP - Secret Warband Guests

Chaos Goblins, If I ever warm to their disgustingness (is that a word?), they may end up being conscripted into my warband, well it is for FUN! 

The original advert can be seen here

On another note...
These latest audiobooks I have listened to while painting these last couple of weeks

Thorn and Thorn - - 3 short stories Can't say much about this one without giving the game away. Great naration and sound effects, it quite nice to hear the voices of the characters we know and love to read about.

Thorn and Talon (MP3)

Hyperion Cantos -

Space Opera extraordinaire you will not be disappointed, these are the most engrossing audiobooks I have listened to in years, truely epic.

Hyperion -

Hyperion | [Dan Simmons]

Fall of Hyperion -

The Fall of Hyperion | [Dan Simmons]

Endymion -

Endymion | [Dan Simmons]

The Rise of Endymion -

The Rise of Endymion | [Dan Simmons]


Friday, 12 April 2013

Warband Progress Part 5

Hi Friends,

Here are my latest additions to my Khornate chaos warband for the OldHammer Event, I have not finalised my warband yet but you can see that I should have quite a miniature pool to choose from.

My Chaos Champion of Khorne story.

I have named my Champion "Khordred" after the King Arthur's son in John Boorman's movie Excalibur, he was a spiteful little sod who was quite handy with his great spear, played by the late Robert Addie of Robin of Sherwood fame. (Did you know that John's Boorman's son Charlie Boorman played the young Mordred and still owns the golden helmet)

Khordred is the bastard son of the Albion "King Arthur Pundragon" and his Slaanesh worshipping sister "Whorgana", from their sordid union. When he came of age, living in shame, he found there was no place for him at the kings court and eventually was cast out by his father, he spent his time living a animal like existence wondering the chaos wastes, eventually the warping effects of the chaos wastes took it toll on the young Khordred and his face started to mutate into that of a dog.  Observing him the chaos god Khorne could not believe his luck, a son of Slaanesh's perverse union ripe for the picking. Khorne wispered promises of great power and revenge in return for blood of his kinfolk, Khordred was seduced and Khorne gifted him with Brass chaos armour with a helmet fashioned for his disfigured face and a mighty two handed hammer "Hate Bringer". He was last seen leading a chaotic warband across the chaos wastes in the direction of Albion, after infamously slaying Slaaneshi champion "Sir Perv'cervix" all Slaaneshi warbands of the wastes follow in his wake hoping to make contact and have their diabolical revenge.

Khordred in all his glory

'Khordred' chaos champion of Khorne

Messing about with camera, feedback welcome

Original miniature can be seen here.

My inspiration for Khordred, the spiteful boy Mordred.

"You seek what Arthur wants? That thing they call the Grail?"

"He's no good, Mother. Take him to the tree."

Mordred miniatures.

Another Chaos Beastman for my Warband, I cannibalised this miniature for it's sword years ago so I had to drill a hole and insert a spear.

Original miniature can be seen here.

Khornate Beastman

  p.s I have run out of highland tufts for the bases and have to order some more from Warlord games.

Hope you like