Tuesday 27 October 2020

Rogue Trader - RT01 Space Marine Field Police

Welcome back, I am currently working my way through last RT601 Space Pirate range of the Rogue Trader era and with 10 of 24 miniatures complete so far it's going well but it's hard work batch painting so I'm having a quick break from them to play with a few single pieces and some revisit old ideas while waiting for the enthusiaum for them to come back.  

One of these old ideas that really got me stoked was the Adeptus Astartes Space Marine Field Police and after a bit of a conversation on Twitter I popped up into the loft and dug out my first attempt to show the Oldhammer crowd, after rooting through the myriad of boxes I finally found him. This 1987 RTB01 plastic Space Marine was converted to hold 2 bolt pistols and painted in Humbrol black enamel gloss with the helmet painted in the first Citadel Colour blood red, you remember the one? it was more like light carmine or pink, I have included pictures of him below for a laugh.

Weeks after I was thinking surely I could do this bygone concept more justice so I went through my collection of RT01 Space Marines miniatures looking for what I thought would make the best Field Police Marine, there were several candidates but in the end I settled for Brother Leanman (also listed as Brother Lestrade later on).

The Field Police rank appeared on the beautifully illustrated page 168 of the Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader rulebook but was forgotten in the background descriptions and rules which was a shame but it didn't stop us painting them.  There has been modern revisits to the concepts including by Forgeworld but that's all too new for me.

During my paint job I tried best to capture the feel of the Rogue Trader illustration, I always find black extremely hard to get right but I think it works, he carries an interesting style of carbine bolter which seems well suited to his rank, the helmet came out a bit cartoony which I like and I tied him to my Flesh Tearers with the chapters icon on his shoulder pads badge plate.

Space Marine Field Police Brother Leanman - front

Space Marine Field Police Brother Leanman - side

Space Marine Field Police Brother Leanman - back

The original Adeptus Astartes Field Police illustrations from page 168 of the Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader rulebook, this style of drawing went on to define how the different Space Marine chapters would be displayed in future codices to come.

Field Police carries a bolt pistol unlike his brethren
Field Police rank marking

The things you did back in 1987 that Humbol black gloss will ensure that this miniature survives into the 41st Millennium

1987 RTB01 Field Police - side

1987 RTB01 Field Police - front

I hope you enjoyed my trip down memory lane, thanks for dropping in.



  1. Great work on this iconic role !

    1. cheers JB, it was fun to paint a beakie again

  2. This guy is the perfect choice for something a little different - he can quite happily be a single figure, or you could easily add one or two others to make a small squad tracking down those reprobate marines getting into trouble at the local drinking hole! The black armour is great, and you've nailed the helmet markings. FWIW, I rather like the vintage version too!

    1. thanks Jon, that old version is getting a lot of love :D

  3. Lovely work on the Field Police!

    1. thanks not enough of them out there on the fringes of 'tinterweb'

  4. Fantastic work. I even love the old one, but this new paintjob is truly awesome!!

  5. Oh very nice! I have a soft spot in my heart for the old paintjob too. ;)

    1. haha! stop with the love for the old one, it's taking years of stripping to get rid of those enamels and I haven't even started on the fantasy :D
