First up we have Space Orc with Blaster, the first official Warhammer 40000 Rogue Trader Orc before the Orcs got renamed Space Orks, scupted by Kev Adams there are a few later variants of this miniature that apear in the RT102 Space Orks range. The blaster is obviously a Bolter, I went for a military dull palette for this miniature as I am not too keen on bright colourful orks I try to capture feel from the back and white illustrations in the Rogue Trader rulebook.
Space Orc with Blaster - front |
Space Orc with Blaster - back |
Space Orc with Blaster - front |
Space Orc with Blaster - back |
Sporting German helmet, sawn-off double barrelled shogun, a big knife, pistol and a bandollier of grenades this Gretchin means business, it also looks like he has a bomb harness strapped on his back.
Space Goblin - front |
Space Goblin - back |
Space Goblin - front |
Space Goblin - back |
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