Saturday, 8 September 2018

Rogue Trader - Space Goblin and Space Orc with Blaster

Hello, todays classic Oldhammer miniatures are another recent paint job that completed my first March 1987 Warhammer 40K mail order flyer project, the Space Orc with Blaster and the Space Goblin

First up we have Space Orc with Blaster, the first official Warhammer 40000 Rogue Trader Orc before the Orcs got renamed Space Orks, scupted by Kev Adams there are a few later variants of this miniature that apear in the RT102 Space Orks range.  The blaster is obviously a Bolter, I went for a military dull palette for this miniature as I am not too keen on bright colourful orks I try to capture feel from the back and white illustrations in the Rogue Trader rulebook.

Space Orc with Blaster - front
Space Orc with Blaster - back
Space Orc with Blaster - front
Space Orc with Blaster - back
Secondly we have the Space Goblin, the first official Warhammer 40000 Rogue Trader Goblin, when the rulebook followed the space Goblins were now know as Gretchin a name that I love and still refer to them as now, sure they became grotz or something naff sounding.

Sporting German helmet, sawn-off double barrelled shogun, a big knife, pistol and a bandollier of grenades this Gretchin means business, it also looks like he has a bomb harness strapped on his back.

Space Goblin - front
Space Goblin - back

Space Goblin - front
Space Goblin - back

 Thanks for stopping by.

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