Saturday, 8 September 2018

Warhammer 40000 Rogue Trader - Minotaur

Hello, a rare treat for you today, a classic Oldhammer miniature, a Warhammer 40000 Minotaur, sculpted by Nick Bibby and released for a brief period via a mail order flyer
in 1987.
I recently spotted that the base miniature for this minotaur sculpt is the C Series - C25 Minotaur - 'Big Mac Gore Blade' (see image below).

He is equipped with a Cyborg head with targeter and sensory array eye, mounted Imperial Army Autogun and a human sized Bolter with a massive grip, probably left over from the original axe Big Mac held, he also appears to wearing flak/mesh armour.

As usual lots of photos from all angles to show you parts of the miniature you never get to see.

Warhammer 40000 Minotaur - front
Warhammer 40000 Minotaur - back
Warhammer 40000 Minotaur - side
Warhammer 40000 Minotaur - front
Warhammer 40000 Minotaur - front
Warhammer 40000 Minotaur - front
Warhammer 40000 Minotaur
Warhammer 40000 Minotaur (last one)

Big Mac Gore Blade - first Minotaur on the left

I bet you are thinking of his stats in Warhammer 40000, I would go with a Beastman Minor Hero or a Ogryn Champion, see stats below.

Beastmen - Page 174 Rogue Trader Rulebook

Ogryns - Page 175 Rogue Trader Rulebook

Those who took part in the Space Raiders kickstarter might remember the Space Minotaur I painted up when I received my miniatures, you can read the post here

There are 3 Space Minotaurs available at Knightmare miniatures here.

Space Minotaur by Knightmare Miniatures

I hope you enjoyed, follow if you want to see more.


  1. Fantastic! I don't think I'd realised he had an eye patch. That's the beauty of seeing them painted. Does he have a group of RT beastmen to hand around with?

    1. Hi Mate, yeah it's kind an knobbly eye patch or bionic eye, reminded me of Corum's jeweled eye, I only have a couple of painted Beastmen, I did convert lots of Jes Doodwin RoC ones for my GeneStealer cult about 1990 but have since stripped them and repaired the damage, I may have to dig out a photo of my old cult, its as crazy as the White Dwarf one.

  2. That's quite a nice treasure, and beautifully painted!

    1. thank you very much mate, are your blog images not *.jpg's? as my work filter still blocks them but not other peoples??

  3. Damn, J, this is a compelling paintjob ! I have the Knightmare ones and RT ones and your paintjobs just shows how it's meant to be !
    Earthly tones like that on a very fantasy model could have been risky but it just works with the gear being very hard sci-fi, making the creature plausible. I really like that.

    1. thanks JB, I have seen your lovely beauties, If I'd had more time I would have remembered and linked them, I love all the earthy Vallejo model colours so matt and dull, I struggle with bright colours unless I have a comic reference like Judge Dredd.

  4. Beautiful panting on a fantastic old model. It's too bad GW didn't come out with more alien models during the RT period.

    1. cheers mate, I think they were expecting us to make our own, imagine if they did the xenos empires might be looking very different today :)

  5. I didn't know he was just a resculpt of a fantasy version! Corr, that means that he's slightly less desirable as we can instead convert our own version by sticking tiny guns on standard Warhammer minos.

    I like your scheme for the shoulder pad – it gives him a military vibe that gets him that little bit further away from the fantasy genre.

    1. Ha! I love your exclaimations, it's a crazy miniature mate, clumsily exectured and crude i am sure you could do much better. Vallejo model colour has top shades for hard military sci-fi.
