Monday, 28 November 2016

Rogue Trader - Space Minotaur

Hi, today we have another of Diego Serrate's Space Raiders miniatures the Space Minotaur from the original Kickstarter campaign, heavily influenced by the original Rogue Trader Minotaur's from the 1989 Easter Sale Flyer.  I found this miniature a lot more difficult to paint and get into than the Piscean Warrior although I do love his gun as it reminds of the Manglore's guns (Zorg ZF-1 Pod Weapon) in the Fifth Element movie.

This is the second miniature I have painted from this range my first was the Piscean Warrior which can be seen here: painted Piscean Warrior.
Unlike the Piscean Warrior I have not seen many painted examples of this miniature except these two great blog post from JB over on Leadplague and Roebeast.

Space Minotaur - side
Space Minotaur - front
Space Minotaur - side
Space Minotaur - side
Space Minotaur - back

The Kickstarter campaign can be followed here: Space Raiders and for those of you who really loved Citadel's Realm of Chaos miniatures checkout Diego's The Pantheon of Chaos.

Here is a selection of miniatures from the Space Raiders campaign.

As you can see there is quite a selection of miniatures, space Zoats, an Ambull, renegade Orks and there's still more in development.

Still on the topic of non citadel miniatures I would recommend you go over to and check out all of Paul's lovely Pulp, Steampunk, Cthulhu type miniature sculpts, Paul sent me a gift of this native Amerian indian looking fellow brandishing what looks like a Vicker's gun I think he would not look out of place in the Cursed Earth or on Rogue Trader's Helsreach.

Thanks for visiting


  1. Wonderful, you really made him look like a RT model. The colour choice makes him easy to read and identify, brilliant.

  2. Great one! Thanks for the mentions and good job!
    Let me recommend you the upcomming chaos raiders and the "Space Raider" himself from Space Raiders III

  3. He looks fab, Jason. I particularly like the choice of colours on his back pack/respirator thingy.

  4. Sweet! Yu made quite a solid work here, lots of RT vibe. Cool!

  5. Superb! I like the color choice for the weapon...something I have a hard time with for RT style models.

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