Showing posts with label Chaos Hounds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chaos Hounds. Show all posts

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

C22 Creatures and other Oldhammer delights

Hello, today's post is a mishmash of recently painted Oldhammer miniatures that have been sitting on various drafts for a while and I don't really have enough content for their own separate blog posts. 

You may notice that some of today's photos have a fading (gradient?) blue background, these are my newer photos as I am currently experimenting with a more Oldhammer looking background, any tips are welcome.

First up we have the 'Chaos Demon' from the Citadel Miniatures C Series 1985 C22 Creatures.  This is a hideous creature with two horned heads mounted on worm like necks which are connected to want appears to be an upside down bloated human female body, a vagina between the heads and warty backside while saggy breasts dangling between the muscular arms the propel it.  As the description above portrays I think you will agree it is a grotesque creature that would be well placed in any Nurgle chaos army, it reminds me of the terrifying creatures from the The Thing 1982 movie.  As for the paint job, I used original Citadel Colour Rotten Flesh as a base and washed it with various browns, purples and greens then highlighted with Vallejo Game Color Dead Flesh, simple job really.

If only Games Workshop had the courage to make such miniatures today.

C22 Creatures Chaos Demon - front

C22 Creatures Chaos Demon - back

Next we have another 1985 C22 Creatures miniature, a 'Werefox' this miniature was painted last year for the Night Horrors Facebook Group Halloween painting competition which is always good fun as rarely get a chance to go through my Gothic/Night Horror miniature boxes.  This miniature is tiny and was quite a challenge to paint, the legs are as thin as pins, I went for dirty flesh tones as I imagine she lives in the forest and googled fox faces for the head colours.  The red squirrel on the base came as a freebie in a trade from a OTC member, I can't remember who but I thank you.  I have plans to visit this miniature when I acquire some brass etched leafs.

C22 Creatures Werefox - front

C22 Creatures Werefox - back

Following on we have two Chaos Hounds which also carry the C22 C Series code, the C22 Chaos Hounds and Handlers were released in 1987 and had ten hound types and appeared with 3 different handlers, a Chaos Warrior, a Chaos Dwarf and a Dark Elf.

Below we have Weirdspike and Saberwolf the only painted two so far but others will come soon as it was quite enjoyable. I went for a flayed flesh look for Weirdspike and rotten flesh for Saberwolf.

Weirdspike and Saberwolf - Chaos Hounds

Weirdspike and Saberwolf - front

Weirdspike and Saberwolf - side

Weirdspike and Saberwolf - side

I am also still slowly working through my Pantheon of Chaos miniatures by Knightmare Miniatures I picked these up during the Kickstarter campaign but if you missed this campaign you can now buy these from their webstore.

First we have Pantheon of Chaos Beastman PTB08 'Arnak Ghuul' this towering beastman makes the perfect Khorngor champion.  He was sculpted in the style of the original Realm Of Chaos artwork, heavily armoured, carrying a massive chopping weapon and adorned with trinkets, talismans, etc  There was only one colour I could possibly paint this one, red.

Arnak Ghuul - front

Arnak Ghuul - back

Arnak Ghuul - side

Arnak Ghuul - side

Another Pantheon of Chaos miniature recently finished, this time a Chaos Champion PC06 'Zz'andor' a favourite of mine as it's obviously a tribute to 'Zygor Snake Arms' the 1983 Mark of Chaos miniature featured in the Citadel Compendium One.  He carries a multitude of weapons, an axe, spiked mace, stone hammer, some sort of sword and has a magic potion in his belt, would you fight him? I certainly wouldn't :D

A nice and bizarre miniature to paint which truly represents the hordes of chaos to me, for the flesh I went for Citadel Colour Titillating Pink base then Citadel Expert paint set no.6 purple and then brought to life with various Vallejo pink shades.  I may revisit the weapons soon as I am sure I never finished them off, they look ok in the cabinet but under photographic scrutiny they need more work and I may paint the flesh in 'Ardcoat' for a slippery wet effect.

Zz'andor- side

Zz'andor - front

Zz'andor - side

Zz'andor - back

Thanks for reading, stayed tuned as some Bob Olley Space Pirates are coming soon.