Saturday, 23 March 2019

RT01 Imperial Space Marine - Treacher Marine

Todays classic Oldhammer miniature is the Rogue Trader RT01 Imperial Space Marines Treacher Marine’ released in April 1988's spectacular White Dwarf 100 and sculpted by either Mark Copplestone or Aly Morrison not sure which one.

RT01 Imperial Space Marines ‘Treacher Marine’

This miniature was the first Traitor Marine Citadel Miniatures ever released and eventually found it way into the Realm of Chaos era Chaos Renegades range along with the other 'not so' Limited Edition renegades.

Treacher Marine (No. 12) - RT01 Imperial Space Marines - April 1988 White Dwarf 100
LE101 - Chaos Renegade Marine - May 1988 White Dwarf 101 (although pictured on the cover of White Dwarf 99)
LE102 - Traitor Legionnaire - June 1988 White Dwarf 102

This is the only miniature from the range that doesn’t have personal name all the others are Brother <insert name>, or Rank <insert name> and unlike some of the Space Marine Renegades pictured in the Warhammer 40,000 Rogue trader Rulebook (see below) this one is definitely aligned to the ruinous gods of Chaos. 

He has the 8 pointed star of Chaos on the shoulder pad of his Mark VI power armour with the other shoulder pad and helmet that may have been mutated by the warp, chitinous or alien in appearance.  He is armed with a Bolt gun with Chain blade bayonet.

Space Marine Renegades

I went for the Warhammer 40,000 2nd Edition colour scheme of the early Night Lords before all the lightning livery I have always had a soft spot for the Night Lords and built a small force in the 2nd Edition era out of a mix of Rogue trader miniatures and 2nd edition Chaos, I may revisit these one day.

RT01 Imperial Space Marines ‘Treacher Marine’ - front
RT01 Imperial Space Marines ‘Treacher Marine’ - side
RT01 Imperial Space Marines ‘Treacher Marine’ - back

I also spotted Treacher Marine in Warhammer World's cabinets during the Summer 2018.

Treacher Marine at Warhammer World 1

Treacher Marine at Warhammer World 2

Thanks for dropping in, lots more drafts on the go so come back soon.


  1. Great paint job! The most revelatory aspect is the standard loyalist backpack- I've been looking for chaos ones, but this looks great.

  2. Looks good Jason! Like that you went with a subtle Night Lords, making him look like he just started to transition to evil. 😈

  3. Great work on a lovely old Marine.

  4. Cool paintjob, really enjoyable :)

  5. The model is great, and your painting really adds to the ominous nature of it.
