Friday, 8 February 2019

IC301 - Iron Claw Pirates - Part 3

Hello, well recent my 1988 Iron Claw Space Pirates posts (part 1 & part 2 for a bit more history) were well received by friends and followers so I decided to soldier on and paint a few more. 

My latest batch of Iron Claw Space Pirates

Firstly we have the weird and wonderful 'Star Raven' who I assume is a Rogue Psyker, wearing strange armour and helmet and carrying a dragon headed staff.  He is nicely sculpted miniature with a cloak adorned with a star and a moon faced gorget, he would make a excellent henchman for my Bolt Thrower miniatures Bob Olley Space Viking.

One thing I found interesting is his miniature tab states 'Timelord' which made me think was this miniature sculpted earlier when Games Workshop had a Dr Who license and never made it to that range thus being put here or did Bob Olley use a metal timelord as a base for his sculpt? who knows....

I wanted him to look supernatural so for the armour I painted all the metal with Vallejo Natural Steel and washed with a wash of 50% Lahmian Medium with 50% Waystone Green/Soulstone Blue mix which gave a nice blue green glow and for the staff washed with Lahmian Medium/Spiritstone Red mix for an interesting red copper look.

Star Raven - front

Star Raven - back

Next we have 'Dambo Kweltz' a human holding what appears to be a Armalite Rifle from a lost age of technology, I based my colour scheme on the original advert paint job, pinks and purples and had a couple of disasters with this choice and that's where @Curis of the excellent  ninjabread blog gave me excellent advice which helped recover the paint job. Tab says 'mercenary' I imagine him as a Royal Hive Guard Deserter or maybe a arms trader or both :D

Dambo Kweltz - front

Dambo Kweltz - back

Next is 'Little Rico' armed with a crazy heavy gun that two grip handle in shield pods (you tell me?) I am going to use it as some sort of Plasma gun, this isn't the only miniature from the range that is equipped with this gun (coming soon). I gave him a big ginger beard and a drinkers nose, the skull on his helmet reminds me of someone out of 2000AD's Bad Company. It looks like he has some sort of comms unit on his back.  

Little Rico - front

Little Rico - back

Little Rico - side

Lastly we have 'Attitude Gorman' I found this one a fun miniature to paint and went for a full military paint job as his helmet with 'V' emblem screamed Volgan from 2000AD's ABC Warriors and Invasion!/Savage stories (which are now crossing over).

Attitude Gorman - front

Attitude Gorman - back

Attitude Gorman - side

Blue background didn't work so well today

More Space Pirates coming soon including the infamous 'Nightwing'.

Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Slocombe's Warbots - Part 2 - Deathblow

Hello again, this is my second post on Slocombe's Warbot's today featuring the 'Deathblow' Class Heavy Droid, the warbot's were released on the Citadel Miniatures October 1987 Flyer and sculpted by Tony Slocombe.  I have completed two miniatures so far from this range with only the last one to complete.

This rare Oldhammer miniature has been sitting on my paint station for about 6 months occasionally getting a lick of paint here and there, I have never been pleased with it's progress and found it a difficult miniature to paint due to the lack flat surfaces, I mean everything is uneven with roughly sculpted grooves, rises, knobs, holes, all sorts, it's just a massive lump of porous lead but I kept going and here are the results.

My first post features Slocombe's Warbot's was 'Sam' Type Light Wardroid which can be enjoyed here.

I started off by spraying him in Citadel Mechanicus Grey which was a disaster as it was a hot day and the paint was drying before it hit miniature leaving a powdery coating that had to be sanded off but helped weather it a bit,  some highlight, decals/fix, mig weathering powders, and finishing with some stipple and detail.  Post varnishing I added Citadel 'Ardcoat to all the light sources which works well for me.

Many of my twitter followers have pointed out his likeness to the original Battletech mech 'Archer' and I have speculated on this in my first post.

All 3 of Slocombes Warbot's have an obvious Battletech influence:

  • 'Deathblow' Class Heavy Droid - Archer
  • 'Sam' Type Light Wardroid - Vindicator
  • MKII 'Sprinter' Assault Droid - Catapult

Deathblow - front

Deathblow - side

Deathblow - back

Deathblow - side

Deathblow squishing Space Orks - Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader Rulebook Page 118 
Deathblow miniature featured on page 12 of the Rogue Trader rulebook

A couple of WIP (Work in Progress) photos that I posted on my twitter feed get following for all sorts of #Oldhammer tweets.

Deathblow - Line work

Deathblow - decals/transfers added

I am half way through the last one ‘Mk II Sprinter Assault Droid' but it's being going slow due to numerous disasters and I have since pinned him back together since but I am not too sure about the new pose so I may disassemble and start again.

‘Mk II Sprinter Assault Droid - disaster

Hope you enjoyed this post another draft complete another one coming soon