Thursday, 30 November 2017

Citadel Judge Dredd Perps Part 8

Borag Thungg Earthlets,

Here are my latest offerings from my quest to paint all the Perps from the 1985-87 citadel Judge Dredd miniatures range.

These miniatures are again all from the JD3 Perps and Muties range with a Slaughter Margin character thrown in for good measure.

First up we have the incorrectly named 'Lorien Speck' whose name tag says 'Frank Zit', Judge Dredd fans may well remember him from as 'Big Frank Zit' the leader of the Zits gang and the Judge Dredd story 'West Side Rumble' 2000AD Prog 434 1985 who battled it out with the Sharks gang before Justice Department broke up their juve rumble.  It's nice to see another miniature who is a carbon copy of the comic illustration, it makes it much easier to spot any irregularities. Oh yeah it true 1980's fashion he is armed with Nunchaku which 1980's boy didn't make his own?

For those of you are thinking who was 'Lorien Speck then? He was a Tom Selleck look-alike featured in the Blockmania story 2000AD Progs 236-244 1981 in the lead up to the Apocalypse War epic.

Big Frank Zit (Lorien Speck) - front

Big Frank Zit (Lorien Speck) - back

2000AD Prog 434 Judge Dredd: West Side Rumble

Next up we have 'Zuggy Spotz' another incorrectly named miniature and again his tag reveals the true name, he is 'Crazy Joseph' another member of Big Frank's gang the Zits appearing in 'West Side Rumble' 2000AD Prog 434 1985, check out the comic image above.  At first I thought he was a Red Indian when I found him in my Judge Dredd miniatures box as looked like he fitted in with my Slaughter Margin Red Indians.

I think Zuggy Spotz was a Mega Block name in a Judge Dredd story somewhere but I haven't the time at the moment to trawl through every issue to find it, well not today anyway.

Crazy Joseph (Zuggy Spotz) - front

Crazy Joseph (Zuggy Spotz) - back

Next up we have 'Vid Crew Sound' a miniature from the Judge Dredd Slaughter Margin campaign set, at first I thought this miniature was another of those rare unique miniatures for this range (no variants) as I had trouble identifying his makeup but eventually I found one while prepping a variant it jumped out.  Unlike most of the Slaughter Margin set he looks nothing like his cardboard token (see below) and the sculptor has fashioned a Japanese/Nippon head on him, I suspect Naismith.  It was pointed out by @nergling on twitter that he was holding a 'nice corn on the cob', it is supposed to be a boom mic for anyone confused :D

Vid Crew Sound - front
Vid Crew Sound - back

Judge Dredd Slaugther Margin Campaign tokens

Lastly we have 'Brother Obee' of the 'Mutie Brotherhoodin the Cursed Earth saga progs 65-66.  Also Kelv is a variant of this miniature. I have already painted all the members of his gang, MorgarBrother JobeeBrother GomorrahMutie with BazookaMutie in Dress and Squid Face.

This completes the JD3 Muties code for me.
Brother Obee - front

Brother Obee - back

And finally I finished off a Ground Zero Games SL-09 COLLATERAL DAMAGE PACK Child as every Judge Dredd scenario is going to need some collateral damage (don't tell the wife I am painting these). I have loads of these from 15+ years ago almost finished and size they fit beautifully with the Oldhammer Citadel Miniatures before the scale creep.

GZG Child holding teddy bear

Splundig vur Thrigg
Hope you enjoyed another visit

Friday, 17 November 2017

Rogue Trader - Mercenaries Part 2

Hello, I hope you enjoyed my last blog post featuring some of the RT502 - Mercenaries, I am trying to keep the momentum going between this project and my quest to paint all of the Citadel miniatures Judge Dredd Perps which is going well but is going to take another 2 years or so with the interruptions I have planned like completing the Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader 1st Flyer March 1987 miniatures and a personal favourite of mine the Slocombes Warbots and SFD Robots which are still sitting in their blisters waiting to be opened for your enjoyment (photos will be taken to upset the collectors, is that a form of trolling?  😆) so bear with me.

You can see how some of the projects are getting on in my Gallery.

Anyway first up today is 'No-Face Fargo' from the RT502 - Mercenaries code who started life as a Imperial Light Trooper on the Warhammer 40,000 (Rogue Trader) 1st Flyer March 1987 and another miniature depicted in the rulebook, a variant of the 'Imperial Garrison Trooper/Kylla Condotti' 1st Flyer/RT502 -Mercenaries miniature who's tab says 'Low Tek Trooper' in the case of 'No-Face Fargo' he has a blank tag label so I reckon he is the later sculpt of the two, the infamous Imperial Assault trooper/Judge Dredd Mek shares the same head.  
The major appeal to a lot of Rogue Trader fans is the sculpted on back pack which was the norm in the first releases and many fans would love to see this done again. I went for a palette of blues for this miniature designing my own Imperial navy uniform and imagine him with his mask in a low gravity/oxygen boarding action.

No-face Fargo - front

No-face Fargo - back

Imperial Garrison Trooper - Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader Rulebook page 67

and it's time for some Abhumans

Secondly we have 'Shorty' the Halfling eventually the nickname Ratling became the norm for these guys, another one of the RT502 - Mercenaries usually for this code not sculpted by Bob Naismith I believe but I don't know who yet.  Complete with Judge Dredd style boots, elbow/knee pads, mithril/mesh shirt and a bolt pistol that is the size of a bolter for this character, his helmet is an excellent sculpt and was a joy to paint, I need to mention the cooking pot and spoon on his backpack too even Space Halflings need breakfast, elevenses, and brunch before tossing 'the one nut to rule them all' into the fire.

Shorty the Halfling - front
Shorty the Halfling - back

Lastly we have the infamous 'Beastman Trooper Gaxt' from the 1987 first Rogue Trader Imperial Army code, semi dressed in army uniform maybe because his beastman side cannot be tamed as he goes topless with studded armbands, carrying an autogun, a really cute chain knife or short sword and has a weirdstone dangling from his belt.  Many W40K gamers have created some really amazing Imperial Guard Beastmen units over the years and it all started with this guy.

Beastman Trooper Gaxt - front

Beastman Trooper Gaxt - back

It appears that the games/miniature designers at Games Workshop know how dear we still hold 'Gaxt' to our hearts and there may be money in it (cynical?) so have churned out a Necromunda Beastman Bounty Hunter for all you fans out there. (p.s. I am loving their new direction, I even purchased Silver Tower, is there a new golden age coming?)

Thanks for looking I hope you enjoyed, now get following 😈