Showing posts with label Limited Edition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Limited Edition. Show all posts

Sunday 17 January 2021

LE11 Giant Orc Chieftain and Bodyguard

Hello, today's classic miniature post features a lovely Oldhammer pair from the 1980's Citadel Miniatures 'not so' limited edition range the LE11 Giant Orc Chieftain and Bodyguard.  The pair were released in 1987 and I believe sculpted by Kevin 'Goblinmaster' Adams.

I hold these miniatures close to my heart my first Warhammer Fantasy Battle Army was Orcs way back in about 1983-84 during the transition from 1st edition to the more exciting 2nd edition so large were our armies and that we tended to field everything we had, it would take about 2 hours to put your army out on the field, play all day and then 2 hours to pack it all back up, these guy's were some of the few miniatures remaining from that army so I had to get them out and strip them for a revisit here.

These are really nice sculpts and demanded some extra attention both prepping and painting, I attempted to go for those classic goblinoid skin tone colours that appeared in the White Dwarf 'Eavy Metal pages of the time, working up the greens to a yellow highlight, dirty dull metallic armour, I painted all the studs on the jerkin and spear staff first post undercoat as I find it a lot easier to paint around the studs rather than clumsily painting them all in at the end plus a dark wash blends them in nicely and I put some extra time in on yellow and black checked shields as it brings the pair together and it one of my favourite shield patterns, I would hope it dazzles their opponents during a fight.

LE11 Giant Orc Chieftain and Bodyguard

LE11 Giant Orc Chieftain - front

LE11 Giant Orc Chieftain - back

LE11 Giant Orc Bodyguard - front

LE11 Giant Orc Bodyguard - back

I should of probably saved these for Orctober but couldn't wait, I hope you enjoyed them.
Come back soon!

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Rogue Trader - Wolfen

Hello, special post today featuring an unknown miniature to many and a highly sought after Oldhammer miniature to the few, the miniature might as well be made out of unobtainium it's so rare. This miniature has fascinated me for many years, what miniature I hear you cry? The miniature in question is the mysterious 'Wolfen' or my take on the Wolfen, please join me on this journey and you decide.

Rogue Heresy Wolfen
Wolfen or Faux Wolfen?

Rogue Heresy Wolfen

Rgoue Heresy Wolfen
Wolfen - front

Little information is known about this mysterious miniature and for the most part all is internet speculation, I have read that it was made as a prototype alien race for Laserburn or Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader.  The miniature appeared on the 2nd Rogue Trader flyer March 1988 that you received for free when buying miniatures from Games Workshop via mail order.

Rogue Heresy 2nd RT Flyer

These are the only reference pictures I have of this miniature.

Rogue Heresy Wolfen

Rogue Herest RT 2nd Flyer Trio
Wolfen joins his solid-based alien brothers

Well where do I start... I badly wanted this miniature and have never seen one for sale or painted and many serious citadel miniature collectors were on the hunt for this miniature, when Wargames Foundry discovered the moulds for the Sci-Fi Fishmen from the 2nd RT flyer and cast them up I had to have them but alas no Wolfen.

Once I had the Fishmen in my possession it got me thinking did the Wolfen come from the same Citadel Fiend Factory range like the Fishmen did and guess what it did, the FF19 Werewolf so it was a no brainer to me to acquire the werewolf and one of the Judge Dredd sculptors aid JD3 Rifle 1 and voila I would have myself a Wolfen.

The JD3 Rifle 1 proved too difficult to source, the project stalled and ended up in the loft until recently when I was having a chat to Curis on twitter about said gun and was inspired to pick this top secret project back up, I channelled the powers of the great miniature convertors out there like Curis, Axiom and other great modellers, I committed a personal act of sacrilege chopping up a perfectly good miniature. Spitgun Suzi was clearly the best candidate for the chop to relieve her of her 'JD3 Rifle 1', I went for it with the snippers and it felt good I may have to do it again sometime.

What you need to build a Wolfen

Now armed with the gun and the werewolf I was in prime position to create the wolfen, I used snippers and bottle nosed pliers to carefully cut and bent the werewolf arms into what I think is the proper position, the werewolf was so old the one arm cracked and white powder spilt out, oxidation? possibly

Build stage 1

Poor Spitgun Suzi, painted up Suzi will be appearing on next blog post

Then I used superglue to tack the rifle in again what I thought is the correct position.  While working on this project the nozzle of the gun broke off, a common problem for the Judge Dredd minatures, some went in the blisters and some disappear altogether on later versions so I had the fiddly task of reattaching it.  I used green stuff to fill the cracked arm, cover up the hacked chest with fur and nozzle join.

Rifle and Nozzle tacked on

A bit of Das Promo to blend in the preslotta base and I had myself a Wolfen, or as close as I could get to one.

Green stuffed and Das Promo based

Paint job was simple, it pretty flat and early sculpt so I had to paint in most detail.

I was that desperate to start I undercoated by hand!!!

Base coat

Nuln Oil wash

A bit more painting and we are done

The Wolfen Complete

Rogue Trader Stats? well you could go for a Abhuman  Beastmen - Homo Sapiens Variatus (page174 RT Rulebook) that might work.
In true Rogue Heresy fashion I will be working on the copy of the original flyer very soon.
Well I hope you enjoyed this post.
Come back more Judge Dredd perps soon.

Wednesday 22 January 2020

Rogue Trader - Dominators

Hello, I have a real treat for you today from annals of Warhammer 40000 history, twisted freaks of the Oldhammer era, the massive piles of lead that are the Rogue Trader Dominator's.

'Gorgravel' and 'Hulendar' both listed as armed with Bolter/Flamer, these limited release miniatures featured on the March 1988 Rogue Trader Part 2 Flyer on page2 and were sculpted by Bob Naismith.

Dominators 'Gorgravel & 'Hulendar'

Dominators 'Gorgravel & 'Hulendar'

Assembly was an absolute nightmare these miniatures are not for the faint hearted, none of the parts fit together well, it's even worst than a Realm of Chaos era Keeper of Secrets, I filled massive void of space between join of torso and body with milliput and greenstuff and copious amounts of putty was needed on all joins, one of the miniatures horns were damaged which required reconstruction and the end of it gun and magazine were damaged so I filed the mag and added a Eldar plasma gun barrel which I think looks nice, a round base suited these miniatures well, they didn't sit right on the old 40mm square ones.  The problems listed above are why I think the miniature did not get produced for long, not the fault of the sculptor I'm sure miniatures get chopped up for casting.

Now the sculpting by Bob Naismith is interesting, the Dominator's seem to have some sort of twisted spiky bone harness with flesh strands joining them together with the occasional blister or orb all very organic and biomechanical in places, same goes for the weapons a combi Bolter/Flamer or just flamer and a close combat weapon or bolt pistol, you decide, it all clearly doesn't belong on the host beast who is like some sort of brute proto-Zoat enslaved for the purpose of destruction.

Colour choice I went for the classic red/brown scheme and hopefully did it justice, based with Vallejo Cavalry brown, Bone and others then washed with GW Null Oil, dry brushed  the bone and tidied it all up. I finished the orbs off with glossy 'ard coat.

Dominator 'Hulendar' - front

Dominator 'Hulendar' - front

Dominator 'Hulendar' - side

Dominator 'Hulendar' - back

Dominator 'Hulendar' - side

Dominator 'Gorgravel' - front

Dominator 'Gorgravel' - side

Dominator 'Gorgravel' - back

Dominator 'Gorgravel' - side

Dominator 'Gorgravel' - side

Dominator 'Gorgravel' - front

Warhammer 40,000 profile for Dominator's, there isn't one but if I made one I would use Space Zoat profiles and rules maybe a major hero which can viewed here.

The Dominators remind me of the 'Type 3 Battle-Orgot' from the 2000AD Slaine story Timekiller progs 411-434 that twisted mix of fantasy and technology, the multiple limbs, the brute strength the creature conveys, the Dominator could easy find a home in a fighting pit on some far flung planetary outpost.

Slaine vs Type 3 Battle-Orgot

Dominator 'Hulendar' from the classic 1986 'Heroes for Wargames' book Page 108

Size comparison - Dominators to a Space Zoat

Size comparison 2 - Dominators to a Space Zoat

Dominators advert from the March 1988 Rogue Trader Part 2 Flyer 

A recent addition to Warhammer World Exhibition Hall Dominators (taken by @Leaky_cheese follow him on Twitter)

If you want to see closer photos of the miniatures in lead form go here:

If you want to see more well painted Dominators go here:

Thanks for stopping by, lots and lots of drafts queuing up so stay tuned.

Monday 9 December 2019

LE101 Chaos Renegade

Lots of blog post drafts queued up and here's one that been waiting to finished for a long while, moving house really swallows up your hobbytime but the flip side is that many hobby skills can be adapted for DIY so I have become a bit of a plumber, electrician, etc thus saving lots of money for future projects.

Todays classic Oldhammer miniature is the Citadel Miniatures Limited Edition LE101 - Chaos Renegade Marine released in White Dwarf 101 May 1988 although he was pictured on the cover of White Dwarf 99. 

Sculpted by Michael Perry, this miniature was the Second Chaos Marine Citadel Miniatures released and was eventually moved into Realm of Chaos era Chaos Renegades range along with the other 'not so' Limited Edition Traitor Legionaire and Treacher Marine.

This miniature paved the way for the biomechanical aesthetic of the Realm of Chaos era Chaos Renegades we know and love, sculpted again by Michael Perry with help from Kevin Adams.

The release timeline:
  1. Treacher Marine (No. 12) - RT01 Imperial Space Marines - April 1988 White Dwarf 100
  2. LE101 - Chaos Renegade Marine - May 1988 White Dwarf 101
  3. LE102 - Traitor Legionnaire - June 1988 White Dwarf 102
  4. Chaos Renegades - September 1988 White Dwarf 105, this was the main release consisting of Khorne and Slaanesh renegades at first.

I went for the colour scheme that my 2nd edition Warhammer 40,000 Plague Marines are painted mainly in classic Citadel Colour Rotting Flesh and Jungle Green alternating the colour from side to side.

LE101 - Chaos Renegade Marine - front

LE101 - Chaos Renegade Marine - back

White Dwarf 99

I have added some addtional photos of the miniature further way as I think it looks a lot better.
LE101 - Chaos Renegade Marine - front
LE101 - Chaos Renegade Marine - back

thanks for stopping by, lots more to come


Wednesday 6 February 2019

Slocombe's Warbots - Part 2 - Deathblow

Hello again, this is my second post on Slocombe's Warbot's today featuring the 'Deathblow' Class Heavy Droid, the warbot's were released on the Citadel Miniatures October 1987 Flyer and sculpted by Tony Slocombe.  I have completed two miniatures so far from this range with only the last one to complete.

This rare Oldhammer miniature has been sitting on my paint station for about 6 months occasionally getting a lick of paint here and there, I have never been pleased with it's progress and found it a difficult miniature to paint due to the lack flat surfaces, I mean everything is uneven with roughly sculpted grooves, rises, knobs, holes, all sorts, it's just a massive lump of porous lead but I kept going and here are the results.

My first post features Slocombe's Warbot's was 'Sam' Type Light Wardroid which can be enjoyed here.

I started off by spraying him in Citadel Mechanicus Grey which was a disaster as it was a hot day and the paint was drying before it hit miniature leaving a powdery coating that had to be sanded off but helped weather it a bit,  some highlight, decals/fix, mig weathering powders, and finishing with some stipple and detail.  Post varnishing I added Citadel 'Ardcoat to all the light sources which works well for me.

Many of my twitter followers have pointed out his likeness to the original Battletech mech 'Archer' and I have speculated on this in my first post.

All 3 of Slocombes Warbot's have an obvious Battletech influence:

  • 'Deathblow' Class Heavy Droid - Archer
  • 'Sam' Type Light Wardroid - Vindicator
  • MKII 'Sprinter' Assault Droid - Catapult

Deathblow - front

Deathblow - side

Deathblow - back

Deathblow - side

Deathblow squishing Space Orks - Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader Rulebook Page 118 
Deathblow miniature featured on page 12 of the Rogue Trader rulebook

A couple of WIP (Work in Progress) photos that I posted on my twitter feed get following for all sorts of #Oldhammer tweets.

Deathblow - Line work

Deathblow - decals/transfers added

I am half way through the last one ‘Mk II Sprinter Assault Droid' but it's being going slow due to numerous disasters and I have since pinned him back together since but I am not too sure about the new pose so I may disassemble and start again.

‘Mk II Sprinter Assault Droid - disaster

Hope you enjoyed this post another draft complete another one coming soon