Monday 29 July 2013

Moving House or not

Hi Friends,
I must apologise for the recent lack of posts on my blog but I was completely snowed under packing all my belongings for my house move next month, I have been a fan of miniature gaming since the age eleven so as you can imagine I have had thirty years to acquire a lot of stuff, I shuddered when I first inspected my loft and realised it would take weeks to clear. 

*Update* The house moved never happened I sold it then cancelled, the pressure of the whole event lead to me breaking up with my long term partner so I am sitting here in a painting room stacked to the ceiling of boxes of classic gaming stuff, I still aiming to attend the Oldhammer event as I am fully booked for everything and only have one more miniature to paint for the RoC warband event and a squad of marines or renegades for the RT event.

I did want to show the throng of boxes packed with all sorts of goodness inside before the move but now the are stacked up neatly and are definitely not going back up the loft to be forgotten again.

No condolences please I am in doing OK and in a good place can't wait to meet all the guys I do not know in person this August, I shall try and post something worthy soon just having a brief hiatus, don't write me off sometimes real life gets in the way.
