Monday, 25 February 2013

JD11 - Rogue Trooper

Hello, I am bit busy over the coming weeks decorating the house and reclaiming my old hobby room but I have managed to sneak onto the PC and post another classic miniature, today we have Rogue Trooper the GI (Genetic Infantryman), a staple of 2000AD's 1980's comic, I just had to give him a lick of paint.

The original 2000AD licensed range can be seen here: 2000AD Miniatures

I did notice that GW painted several of the Rogue Trooper miniatures as plain old humans in flesh tones in various publications and you can see Major Magnum painted as a human in the picture from the Rogue Trader rulebook in my Old World Jack post.

Here is my interpretation of Rogue.

Rogue - front

Rogue - back

Rogue - front

Rogue - back

Some of you may remember the Rogue Trooper Boardgame made when GW were still cool, I played it back day but have completely forgot how it played and sadly this is one I do not own.

The Rogue game counters, nice sculpts.

I hope you enjoy

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Astropath Yerl - RT601 - Adventurers

Hi, my miniature for today is Astropath Yerl another miniature from RT601 Adventurers set, you can see this miniature depicted in one of the illustrations for the Imperial Bodyguard miniature, see post below.  If you look at some of the more modern citadel/gw scupts i.e Imperial Guard Regimental Advisors you will notice that the newer Astropaths haven't really strayed away from the original concept unlike nearly all the other W40K designs.

My painted version .

Astropath Yerl - front

Astropath Yerl - back

Astropath Yerl onboard a mysterious space hulk searching for arcane psychic artifacts.

Hope you like

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Rogue Trader - Genestealer Magus

Hello friends of the blog, Today's miniature is a Genestealer Magus, see the Genestealer guide over on Collecting Citadel Minatures wiki, now I have got to admit White Dwarf magazines 114-116 sent me Genestealer mental, the illustrations, background and painted cult army were the coolest thing going at the time, I had to have them so I purchased loads of them, built a cult army added Cultist Imperial Guard, Chaos Beastmen and I even converted Genestealers holding Daemon weapons.  A few months ago I got ten Genestealer Hybrid miniatures out the loft stripped with Dettol not my usual method but I am not using Nitromors in my lovely new sink, prepped and had a go at painting them, here is the first one. I have loads finshed to show you soon but I am hoping to do a whole blog post on these guy's.

Genestealer Magus

Genestealer Magus

I managed to knock a few more out.

Genestealer Hybrids

Genestealer Hybrids
Genestealer Hybrid

Genestealer Hybrid
Genestealer Magus

Genestealer Magus
Genestealer Hybrid

Genestealer Hybrid

Here is one of my Hybrid/traitor guard conversions to wet your appetite.

Genestealer Hybrid Cultist conversion

I hope you like

Space Amazon - RT601 - Adventurers

Hey, I am slowly updating the photos of some of my older posts and here is the first updated post, I hope you enjoy.

Here is today's first miniature from the RT601 - Adventurers range, a Space Amazon, see here also Rogue Trader Adventurers, Mercenaries, Pirates - Collectors Guide.

Space Amazon - front

Space Amazon - back

I am sure this model was based on John Blanche's 'Amazon' painting, my picture is taken from my Ratspike book.

John Blanche's 'Amazon'

She makes a great addition to an Inquisitorial warband and reminds me of characters from the Eisenhorn and Ravenor novels.  She is available to use whenever we play the W40K RPG Dark Heresy.

Another similar miniature is the LE15 - Chaos Amazon model another miniature based on another one of John Blanche's paintings, this time 'Amazon Gothique' which was featured on the front cover of White Dwarf 79, it was a limited edition miniature and shared it's blister pack with 'The Warlock' from the cover of the Fighting Fantasy magazine 10.

And here is my painted version of Amazon Gothique or Chaos Amazon (LE15).

LE15 Chaos Amazon - front

LE15 Chaos Amazon - back

John Blanche's 'Amazon Gothique'

Amazons from Ratspike and White Dwarf 82

The evolution of the Amazon miniature produced by Citadel Miniatures and as you can see below the Realm of Chaos era Champion of Slannesh shares many attributes of the original Amazon.

Amazons over the years

** Update September 2017 **

A nice new version of Amazon Gothique for a Necromunda 2017 advert, just artwork at the moment, shame if it ever comes out it will be made in plastic :(

Amazon Gothique for the new age
** Update April 2018 **

And here with have it the new Necromunda Amazon

** Update January 2019 ** my version of Belladonna - Noble Bounty Huntress

Belladonna - Noble Bounty Huntress

This next miniature is also worth a special mention, available at Hasslefree Miniatures sculpted by Kev White, she named 'Jenova' and as you see below definately draws influence from Amazon Gothique.

Last one for now, another Amazon Gothique tribute by Geoff Solomon-Sims of Oakbound Studios.

Other Amazons spotted

Apparently she was coming to AoS once upon a time

There are a couple more painted versions of this miniature here and here.

If you enjoyed this post, get following :)

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Pilot Lorgar - RT601 - Adventurers

Another miniature from the RT601 - Adventurers collection (my favourite set), Pilot Lorgar and again the original advert can be seen here solegends, this chap reminds me of someone from Dune, maybe a House Atreides ornithopter pilot.

Pilot Lorgar - front

Pilot Lorgar - back

As you can as a theme is developing, I delved into my massive Rogue trader collection when we started playing Dark Heresy RPG a couple of years ago and found so many suitable miniatures, the words 'space opera' jump out at me when sift through my old RT miniatures.

Female Warrior Gabs - RT601 - Adventurers - Adeptus Sororitas

Hi, Todays miniature from my Rogue trade collection is Female Warrior Gabs of the Adeptus Sororitas, a possible forerunner for the Sisters of Battle range.

You can see the original advert over here on Solegends RT 601 Adventurers.

Here is my painted miniature armed with a sword and Bolter and standard marine design power armour. What I love about this miniature which is not evident in the photo is that the female power armour has high heels, now the breast plate is understandable but high heels, it would be like posting a modern British female soldier out to Afganistan in high heeled assault boots. I still have to get round to painting up the other miniature Female Warrior Jayne.

Female Warrior Gabs - front

Female Warrior Gabs - back

Art from the Rogue Trader rulebook portraying a Adeptus Sororitas,  not too far away from the miniature but a bit more of a 'Nun with a Gun' don't you think?  I am not quite sure what the rams skull signifies on both the miniatures and the illustrations shoulder pad but I am hoping one of you will tell me. 


Saturday, 9 February 2013

Nurgle Chaos Champion

Something a bit different today, here is a Nurgle chaos champion I painted to be a cult leader, you know the sort of thing something for our Dark Heresy characters to hunt down in game, etc, etc.  A great miniature from the classic Realm of Chaos range, he represents a Nurgle chaos champion with the gift of technology, you needed to be lucky and roll 866-880 on a D1000 for technology on the attribute table while generating a champion to lead your warband (see Orlygg's blog for the attribute table and more, I strongly recommend his RoC site, hours of fun reading) which is funny as citadel made a ton of chaos champions with technology but the roll was so hard.

The citadel 'red' catalogue (1991 Catalogue - section 2) page for this miniature can be see here Champions of Nurgle interestingly it looks like 3 miniatures were made from this base 'dolly' this one 'pistol and sword, another with 'bell staff and sword and the last 'fly mutation and axe', I am a bit miffed as I sold the other two on eBay years ago and wish i hung onto them as the fly mutation is so cool.

Chaos Champion of Nurgle - front

Chaos Champion of Nurgle - back


Thursday, 7 February 2013

Old World Jack - RT7 - Mercenaries

Hi, Today's miniature from my collection is Old World Jack, one of the RT7 Mercenaries, great miniatures full of character, there was lots of art work based on these miniatures in the original Warhhamer 40,000 Rogure Trader Rulebook (1st Edition).

Here is my painted version, funny thing is that he doesn't seem to be wearing power armour but has the armour power pack, I think the designers originally envisaged the backpack to be some sort of jump/flight pack. At best I would say he was wearing carapace armour.

Old World Jack - front

Old World Jack - back

Old World Jack - front

Old World Jack - back

Old World Jack searching a 'derelict' space hulk for loot.

And here is a picture from the rulebook that I think you will agree is based on this miniature.

And here is a diorama from the rulebook with Him and other RT7 Mercenaries being ambushed.
