Thursday, 7 February 2013

Old World Jack - RT7 - Mercenaries

Hi, Today's miniature from my collection is Old World Jack, one of the RT7 Mercenaries, great miniatures full of character, there was lots of art work based on these miniatures in the original Warhhamer 40,000 Rogure Trader Rulebook (1st Edition).

Here is my painted version, funny thing is that he doesn't seem to be wearing power armour but has the armour power pack, I think the designers originally envisaged the backpack to be some sort of jump/flight pack. At best I would say he was wearing carapace armour.

Old World Jack - front

Old World Jack - back

Old World Jack - front

Old World Jack - back

Old World Jack searching a 'derelict' space hulk for loot.

And here is a picture from the rulebook that I think you will agree is based on this miniature.

And here is a diorama from the rulebook with Him and other RT7 Mercenaries being ambushed.



  1. Armour types had no strong identity at this time, for instance an Inquisitor I rolled up got 'skin-tight powered armour' which could be reinforced with flak armour for a movement penalty, or not. I think this was to allow people the freedom to use whatever mini with largely whatever armour, similar to the loose light/heavy classifications of WHFB.

  2. thanks Paul, how things have changed, I am going to root for through my 1st Ed book when I get home from work, I am sure you could have body gloves, etc.

  3. Syn-Skin is an old favourite of mine, it had to used within time constraints, or else you went into shock like the painted babe in Goldfinger!

    1. haha, I think I was thinking of Syn-Skin too, I am reading book 3 of Ravenor at the moment and have Body-Gloves on the brain.
      cheers dude

  4. I own this guy too! Although mine doesn't have a backpack, just a flat panel of armour. I do love this entire series, although unfortunately he's the only one I've got :(

  5. Hi NINJA, So are you saying that it was possibly recast without the 'knob' for the backpack at later date? or was yours cut off?

  6. The SM Backpack was identified on the Plastic Space Marine box as a Jump Pack. Jump packs as we came to know them came later as the RT models were replaced by the next Wave of modern styled Space Marines.

  7. ah! thanks Tasha, I have never noticed that on the RT marines plastics box that explains it all.
