Welcome back! In this post I bring you my fifth blog post featuring fan sculpts that are either a direct tribute to classic Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader artwork or a have an unmistakable Oldhammer style, this one is an Adeptus Astartes Techmarine in Mark VI Corvus armour, sculpted by the very talented James Sherriff in 2017, it's a beautifully crisp metal cast and if I get the terminology correct it's either true scale or heroic scale which is more akin with the modern Space Marines some of you paint today, the sculptor has added lots of beautiful little details, the wrist scanner, fuel tank and lump hammer, I was instantly sold when I came across it.
Assembly is simple as it's a single cast, I mounted it on a modern round 40mm base there was no other way really due to the stance, the Techmarine comes without a powerpack and an Oldhammer community member gifted me an resin Mark IV powerpack sculpted by fan sculpt master Drew Williams (who has featured on this blog previously) that sizes up nicely with this miniature.
Now usually I get a lot of messages on FB and Twitter questioning where one get hold of the fan sculpt featured in a post and in this case this miniature is available from Ye Alchemist at a very affordable price, go get one, half the pubs are still closed and it's cheaper than a couple of pints of craft beer :D
Painting I went for the Flesh Tearers scheme that I seem to be painting all my Space Marines in lately, I have tried free hand painting the chapter icon several times and have never been happy with the result so I went eBaying and purchased some Flesh Tearer vinyl sticker decals and some 3D printed curved shoulder icons for my Rogue Trader era Space Marines, in this case I used the vinyl sticker which was very malleable when warm and only required a bit of tidying up with black paint.
Now to the miniature.
Techmarine - front |
Techmarine - back |
Techmarine with vinyl Flesh Tearer icon |
Techmarine - side |
Techmarine - side |
Techmarine - side |
Techmarine comparion to Rogue Trader era Techmarine |
Thanks for visiting, I hope you enjoyed this miniatureJ