Showing posts with label Imperial Inquisitor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Imperial Inquisitor. Show all posts

Saturday, 26 December 2020

Forces of the Imperium - Inquisitor with power weapon

Hello, todays Oldhammer miniature blog post features the 1989 Inquisitor with power weapon which made it's appearance in White Dwarf 118 October 1989 as part of the Forces of the Imperium range, I think it might have been sculpted by Jes Goodwin, the range mainly consisted of inquisitors but also featured assassins and a Rogue Trader who I have previously blogged here

The miniature like other Inquisitors of the range has really interesting armour, personalised, baroque styling, is he wearing foot clamps for zero gravity fighting or are they bionic feet? What is going on with the powersword it is so phallic was the sculptor having a laugh here?  My favourite feature is his unique backpack with cloak that you don't see used on any other Rogue Trader era miniature, the downside of this backpack is that it completely obscures the back of the miniature (photo below).

Now you don't see many painted examples of this miniature out on the web for inspiration so I just went a bit crazy, I put away the usual reds and golds I would lean towards for an Imperial Inquisitor and dug out some more radical base colours, citadel colour hawk turquoise for his main suit then for the main plates vallejo game color plague brown which is more of a mustard colour and a vallejo royal purple cloak, the power weapon and power fist I painted with a blue green iridescent paint.  I think his colour scheme gives him an aquatic feel, maybe he's off cleansing xenos Saharduin on the ocean planet of Piscea or having some other underwater adventure.

Inquisitor with power weapon
Inquisitor with power weapon - front

Inquisitor with power weapon - side

Inquisitor with power weapon - back

Inquisitor with power weapon - side

Not long after the photo below all this lovely detail was covered up forever by is backpack and cloak.

Inquisitor with power weapon - work in progress

Thanks for stopping by

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader First Releases

Hello, I finally finished a very personal project to myself the Rogue Trader 1st Flyer miniatures, some of these I have already blogged about and others are coming soon on this blog but for now please enjoy the results of a project that has taken many years :)

My latest version of the 1st Warhammer 40,000 (Rogue Trader) releases - March 1987 Flyer
1st Warhammer 40,000 (Rogue Trader) releases - March 1987 Flyer
1st Warhammer 40,000 (Rogue Trader) releases - March 1987 Flyer Miniatures

1st Warhammer 40,000 (Rogue Trader) releases 

Tech-Priest Zon/Telepath, Ground Combat trooper/Souther, Piscean Warrior/Saharduin, Space Dwarf/Squat Irn Bonce
Telepath blogged here
Ground Combat trooper/Souther blogged here
Piscean Warrior blogged here
Space Dwarf blogged here

Imperial Garrison Trooper/Kylla Condotti, Space Goblin/Gretchin, Imperial Light Trooper/No-Face Fargo

Imperial Garrison Trooper blogged here
Space Goblin blogged here
Imperial Garrison Light blogged here

Imperial Bodyguard, Imperial Psycher/Astropath Yerl, Pirate, Dark Elf Space Trooper

Imperial Bodyguard blogged here
Imperial Psycher blogged here
Pirate blogged here
Dark Elf Space Trooper blogged here

Imperial Heavy Trooper/Fast/East-Star John, Space Orc with blaster/Ork, Imperial Heavy Infantry/Space-Dout Sam

Imperial Heavy Trooper blogged here
Space Orc with Blaster blogged here
Imperial Heavy Infantry blogged here

Hope you enjoyed

Rogue Trader Inquisitor

Hello again,  finally got around to finishing another draft and today's Oldhammer treat is another classic Citadel Miniature that is much loved and blogged about the first standalone Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader Inquisitor.  This miniature is often referred to as 'Inquisitor Obiwan Sherlock Clousseau' as he is obviously based on the Martin Mckenna illustration on page 142 of Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader rulebook.

Sculpted by Bob Naismith (which he confirmed today 30/05/2018 on the 'Emporium of Rogue Dreams' Facebook group and released 1988 appearing on this Rogue Trader flyer, it's quite an interesting sculpt with irregularities in the coat which you have to try and paint out, this has been pointed out on Axiom's excellent blog here, I think that's the reason the miniature wasn't around for long and certainly not available in the later back catalogues, I think the casting process was probably to blame for the coat fault.  In the illustration he appears to be welding a Chainsaw, the sculptor has interpreted it as some sort of ranged weapon on the miniature although the handle and lower part appear the same, I was thinking combat shotgun or railgun.  A resculpt of Rogue Trooper Major Magnum and Judge Dredd Chimichunga.

I went for the classic look most interpretations of this miniature go for with the ying-yang symbol necklace and blanchitsu checkerboard around the coat hem as per illustration.  He appears to have penal arrow sign on his coat or a sign similar to the 2000ad Torquemadas Terminators sign on his coat.

Rogue Trader Inquisitor - front

Rogue Trader Inquisitor - back

Inquisitor Obiwan Sherlock Clousseau - Page 142
Inquisitor Obiwan Sherlock Clousseau - Page 221

Inquisitor Obiwan Sherlock Clousseau - fluff

thanks for stopping by

Saturday, 8 April 2017

Ordo Malleus Inquisitor in Terminator Armour

Hello, today's miniature is an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor in Terminator Armour, a classic and much painted Oldhammer 40K miniature sculpted by Jes Goodwin and released in 1989, he armed with a Psycannon and Force Rod shaped like a Crozius Arcanum, festooned in Imperial livery, skulls, scrolls and arcane symbols whose meaning is long lost, he is the spiritual brother of the Imperial Inquisitor in Terminator Armour as they were released and packaged together so if you owned one you usually owned the other, you can see my Imperial Inquisitor in Terminator Armour here. (Updated photos below) 

The Ordo Malleus were introduced in the Realm of Chaos - Slaves to Darkness book in the Warhammer 40,000 'Dark Millennium' section on page 246, the Psycannon made it's appearance here on page 250, he also appeared in Space Hulk illustrations and rules but I can't remember where at the moment.

Ordo Malleus Inquisitor in Terminator Armour - front

Ordo Malleus Inquisitor in Terminator Armour - side

Ordo Malleus Inquisitor in Terminator Armour - back

Ordo Malleus Inquisitor in Terminator Armour - side

Illustration of Ordo Malleus Inquisitor with a squad of Grey Knights from White Dwarf 135, theres a cool looking 
Ordo Malleus standard behind him or attached to him.

Back united with his blister brother in arms some years on

I decided to have a go and taking some better photos of my Imperial Inquisitor in Terminator armour as the photos in his original post are quite poor.

Imperial Inquisitor in Terminator Armour - front

Imperial Inquisitor in Terminator Armour - side

Imperial Inquisitor in Terminator Armour - back

Imperial Inquisitor in Terminator Armour - side

I hope you enjoyed these miniatures, there's lots more new paint jobs to follow so stay tuned.


Thursday, 19 May 2016

Inquisitor Augustus - RT7 - Mercenaries

Hi, today's Rogue Trader miniature is from the  Inquisitor Augustus from the RT7 Mercenaries range, this miniature sculpted by Bob Naismith, he is a very popular character with the Oldhammer 40K crowd and appeared in the Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader rulebook in a photographed dioramma, artwork (see below) and the occasional appearance in the Heavy Metal section of golden age White Dwarf magazines.  To me he is the archetypal Inquisitor infiltrating intergalactic gun runners for absent Marines and bringing them to the Imperium's justice before the grimdark Inquisitors of the Dan Abnett era i.e. Eisenhorn.

Inquisitor Augustus 1
I aimed to paint him the classic grey colour close to the original that appeared in the White Dwarf advert and many collectors examples out there on the web, their paint jobs don't seem to deviate from the grey colour scheme either.  I am not sure but the Inquisitor Augustus miniature pictured in the advert appears to have some slight variations to the miniature we all have, it looks like it has some sort of vent on the breastplate and possibly a skull on the helmet.  He has all the classic Rogue Trader adventurer trappings, a scanner, binoculars and a communications device, Bolter and what appears to be carapace armour on top of a uniform but that is debatable as the uniform also appears to have the contours of armour in places.  In the Rogue Trader setting this character would have been kitted out with tons of equipment and I think this miniature is one of the few that accurately represents this.

Inquisitor Augustus 2
I painted a 'M' as his badge thus belonging to the Mercenaries he has infiltrated, the 'M' badge appears sculpted on a couple of Judge Dredd Rogue Trooper miniatures and maybe a Rogue Trader era miniature or two and maybe illustrations.

Inquisitor Augustus 3

The M symbol is rooted in a old 2000AD Rogue Trooper story  'Eye of the Traitor' where the main protagonist the Traitor General has put together an army of deserters calling themselves the Marauders and all wearing the 'M' emblem.  Like other 2000ad references that found it way into Rogue Trader so did this before being quickly replaced as the Warhammer 40,000 evolved it's own universe.

Inquisitor Augustus 4

Inquisitor Augustus infiltrating a band of mercenaries his prey destined for the black ships stands just in front of him.

Illustration from the Rogue Trader Rulebook page 144

I really wish Citadel had made a set for this miniature with the Imperial Army deserter in chains as depicted in the  Rogue Trader rulebook.

Here are my efforts.


Saturday, 2 August 2014

Ordo Malleus Daemonhunter

Hi Friends,
Todays classic Rogue Trader miniature is an Ordo Malleus Daemonhunter, I painted this miniature while working on the Forgeworld Solomon Lok which I can say I am not enjoying painting although the sculpting on this miniature is inferior to Solomon Lok, on Lok there is just too much detail, you need to be of Golden Demon standard to do it justice.

I love the ecclesiastical outfit and personal power armour he wears, adorned in runes and Imperial emblems, he is armed with a Daemon sword and a holstered PSI-cannon.  If you remember from the all fluff in the RoC SoD book I still laugh now remembering to even see an Ordo Malleus Daemonhunter meant you faced extermination only Adeptus Astartes were exempt as it was seen as a waste.

Ordo Malleus Daemonhunter - front
Ordo Malleus Daemonhunter - back - note the plastic Space Marine power pack

White Dwarf catalogue advert below, labelled slightly wrong as Inquisitors with force weapons, which if you look at the miniatures they are clearly carrying Daemon weapons.  Luckily I own all three :)

Ordo Malleus Inquisitors - White Dwarf 118

Ordo Malleus Inquisitor - White Dwarf 117

I also painted one of the many broken plastic Tyranids in my Advanced Space crusade box, just to see if I could restore the miniature to a decent standard, it might be the start of another project for the future.

Tyranid - front

Tyranid - side

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Navigator - RT601 - Adventurers

Hey friends, well I finally did it, I finished the Rogue Trader Adventurers Navigator which I started painting about a year ago.  I was tempted to drill a hole in his forehead and insert a ball of green stuff for his third eye but I thought such vandalism to a classic miniature would be heresy, here is my interpretation of him dressed in his Imperial navy uniform and armed with a laspistol. I gave his flesh a base of classic citadel Rotting Flesh paint to give the feel that he spends all his time in the void and gets no sunlight. I think he makes a perfect addition to any Imperial Inquisitors retinue, he reminds me of the navigator Vitali Googol in Ian Watson's Inquisition War Trilogy and as I have painted up the miniature I think resembles Draco he will make a perfect Vitali or maybe Azul Petrov another navigator character from the Harlequin novel (part 2).   

In the Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader rulebook (1st Edition) and accompanying supplements many of the miniatures from the early RT ranges appeared in black and white illustrations, I had a brief look but could not find him, if you see this miniature illustrated anywhere please let me know.

You can read more Warhammer 40K fluff about Navigators here and here.

You can find him on the original White Dwarf advert over at Solegends RT 601 Adventurers.

Navigator - front

Navigator - back

I recommend you also visit Sho3box's great blog for his fantastic painted version of this miniature and lots of other Rogue Trader goodness. 

I also thought I would share some other miniatures from my collection, these characters I painted for use in the Dark Heresy RPG, some of these are more modern but I needed NPCs so had to sell out.

An Imperial Witch Hunter and his Retinue
Lex Mechanic Sage, Sister Hospitaller Chirurgeon, Scribe
Servo Skulls, Witch Hunter, Cherubim

Titan Crew - Princeps Seniores, Space Santa, Talisman Timescape Scientist (the titan crewman was painted in the late 80's hence the different style)
RT601 - Pirate (Sensei), Commissar (Pirate Captain), Sanctioned Psyker (Sensei and Commissar were painted in the late 80's hence the different style)
Necromunda Bounty Hunter

What's next I hear you ask, here is what is currently on the painting table

Chaos Champion of Khorne, Chaos Beastman 'Hesh', Imperial Assassin and Punk

Hope you enjoyed :)