Sunday, 17 January 2021

LE11 Giant Orc Chieftain and Bodyguard

Hello, today's classic miniature post features a lovely Oldhammer pair from the 1980's Citadel Miniatures 'not so' limited edition range the LE11 Giant Orc Chieftain and Bodyguard.  The pair were released in 1987 and I believe sculpted by Kevin 'Goblinmaster' Adams.

I hold these miniatures close to my heart my first Warhammer Fantasy Battle Army was Orcs way back in about 1983-84 during the transition from 1st edition to the more exciting 2nd edition so large were our armies and that we tended to field everything we had, it would take about 2 hours to put your army out on the field, play all day and then 2 hours to pack it all back up, these guy's were some of the few miniatures remaining from that army so I had to get them out and strip them for a revisit here.

These are really nice sculpts and demanded some extra attention both prepping and painting, I attempted to go for those classic goblinoid skin tone colours that appeared in the White Dwarf 'Eavy Metal pages of the time, working up the greens to a yellow highlight, dirty dull metallic armour, I painted all the studs on the jerkin and spear staff first post undercoat as I find it a lot easier to paint around the studs rather than clumsily painting them all in at the end plus a dark wash blends them in nicely and I put some extra time in on yellow and black checked shields as it brings the pair together and it one of my favourite shield patterns, I would hope it dazzles their opponents during a fight.

LE11 Giant Orc Chieftain and Bodyguard

LE11 Giant Orc Chieftain - front

LE11 Giant Orc Chieftain - back

LE11 Giant Orc Bodyguard - front

LE11 Giant Orc Bodyguard - back

I should of probably saved these for Orctober but couldn't wait, I hope you enjoyed them.
Come back soon!


  1. Outstanding work on the Orcs! The colours really have the early GW vibe but with a more modern finish!

  2. These a very cool! Your update does them a lot of justice!

  3. "it would take about 2 hours to put your army out on the field, play all day and then 2 hours to pack it all back up", while I didn't start until 2002, I can definitely agree that those were the days! I unfortunately don't have any figures from those armies, nor would I want to repaint an old plastic Necron. As Neverness stated, you've really given these old Orcs a paintjob worthy of their age. Fantastic!

  4. Oh, that's quite lovely! They both have a lot of charm, fantastic work!

  5. Fantastic! Ah... those old metal minis have got so much charm - your painting really does them justice!
