Saturday, 13 September 2014

Rogue Trader - Piscean Warrior

Hi Folks,
Here is my Piscean warrior or Saharduin to some of you sculpted by Diego Serrate over on the Oldhammer forum and Facebook community, Pisceans are a xenos race of fish like creatures that first made an appearance on the first March 1987 Warhammer 40K mail order flyer (which I have somewhere), the race never saw the light of day in the Rogue Trader book, I guess as it was a larger miniature the logistics of making them into a viable race at the time would prove difficult.  Due to it's scarcity the original citadel miniature goes for quite a price on Ebay nowadays so Diego done all the Rogue Trader fans out there a favour and sculpted his own interpretation of the Piscean warrior that cost less than a modern day metal space marine, personally I prefer his version as the bolt gun on the original Piscean warrior did not sit right with me.  I would like to think he is equipped with some sort of needle pistol (mini harpoons?), a giant shark knife to fend off the predators of his planet and a reverse Aqua-lung to pipe H2O into his gills for survival.

I painted the Piscean warrior as if he was coming out of the sea and originally I had gloss varnished him as a wet effect but the iPhone camera didn't like it so I Vallejo matt varnished him.
Piscean warrior - right side
Piscean warrior - left side
Piscean warrior - front

Here is the inspiration for my colour scheme, I was Action Force mad as a kid until first year senior school when I discovered D&D

Action Force 'Q' Force Diver

March 1987 Warhammer 40K mail order flyer

Here are some painted versions of the original miniature from Solgends

Thanks for visiting and please follow :)

Thursday, 4 September 2014

The Painting Continues... Slowly

Hey  Friends, 
Followers of this blog will know I am slowly easing my way back into the Oldhammer world after the birth of our baby boy and it killed me to miss this years BOYL after attending the first year, this years constant coverage was brilliant, a big thank you to all involved. Now fitting painting miniatures into your baby routine is very hard but the odd half hour when I wasn't exhausted I managed to slip into the spare room and knock out a few more Chaos Thugs to add to my regiment which is now 32 painted strong, only another 40+ unique miniatures to do, I also managed to prep up loads of C27 and C38 Chaos Beastmen which will stand alone from my RoC era Chaos Beastmen as a unit of 'True' Beastmen.

First we have a converted 'Crusher' from White Dwarf 82, you might have noticed that I have painted another version of this miniature before but this conversion with eye stalks was in a trade from Robtimus Prime over in our Oldhammer Trading Company Facebook group and I felt it was too nice to dismantle so I cleaned it up with Dettol and painted it.  I finished him off with a classic Arcane Armorial shield transfer.

Converted Crusher - Front
Converted Crusher - side showing Arcane Armorial shield transfer
Converted Crusher - back
Next we have 'MadAxe Martin' another classic Chaos Thug who first appeared in White Dwarf 92, strange that such a brute would have the name Martin but then I remembered the superb historical/fantasy movie Flesh and Blood 1985 with Rutger Hauer as the hero Martin, really if you haven't seen it watch it asap it's brilliant.

Madaxe Martin - front
Madaxe Martin - back
Next we have 'Punter Dunter' another White Dwarf 92 Chaos Thug, not much to say about this guy, crazy new wave hair cut and a severed head.

Punter Dunter - front
Punter Dunter - side
Punter Dunter - back
Next we have 'Stab Stab' another White Dwarf 92 Chaos Thug, I like this guy I think he gets his name from the two daggers tied to his spear shaft, a totally original chaos weapon.

Stab Stab - front
Stab Stab - back
And last but not least an old school Chaos Beastman, I think he resembles a Tortoise but some say he is a Turtle but I think not, I don't seem to be able to find any reference to him so if you have a link to an advert/catalogue page send to to me please on the comments.

Tortoise Beastman - front
Tortoise Beastman - side
Tortoise Beastman - back

Hope you enjoyed this post

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Ordo Malleus Daemonhunter

Hi Friends,
Todays classic Rogue Trader miniature is an Ordo Malleus Daemonhunter, I painted this miniature while working on the Forgeworld Solomon Lok which I can say I am not enjoying painting although the sculpting on this miniature is inferior to Solomon Lok, on Lok there is just too much detail, you need to be of Golden Demon standard to do it justice.

I love the ecclesiastical outfit and personal power armour he wears, adorned in runes and Imperial emblems, he is armed with a Daemon sword and a holstered PSI-cannon.  If you remember from the all fluff in the RoC SoD book I still laugh now remembering to even see an Ordo Malleus Daemonhunter meant you faced extermination only Adeptus Astartes were exempt as it was seen as a waste.

Ordo Malleus Daemonhunter - front
Ordo Malleus Daemonhunter - back - note the plastic Space Marine power pack

White Dwarf catalogue advert below, labelled slightly wrong as Inquisitors with force weapons, which if you look at the miniatures they are clearly carrying Daemon weapons.  Luckily I own all three :)

Ordo Malleus Inquisitors - White Dwarf 118

Ordo Malleus Inquisitor - White Dwarf 117

I also painted one of the many broken plastic Tyranids in my Advanced Space crusade box, just to see if I could restore the miniature to a decent standard, it might be the start of another project for the future.

Tyranid - front

Tyranid - side

Friday, 1 August 2014

Summer Time Chaos

Hello Friends,
I am back from my family summer holiday, after catching up on what I have missed I read another wonderful post by Orlygg over at the foremost Oldhammer blog Realm of Chaos 80's I received a plug to my blog, it energised me to get my arse in gear and add another post, here are some of the latest miniatures I have painted for my Realm of Chaos Warband which I can say is now developing into an army, I have made loads of trades over in the Oldhammer Trading Facebook community and have a horde of new Chaos Beastmen and Thugs to prep and paint when I get the time.

A big thank you to the boys in the Oldhammer community Facebook group for pointing me to Picasa, it has improved the quality of my photos tenfold. 

I do remember owning and painting this miniature first time round but it sadly ended up on eBay many years ago, this Realm of Chaos Champion I traded from Orlygg over a year ago and the miniature finally got a lick of paint, it is up there with my favourite Khornate Champions and reminds me of Master Blaster from Mad Max III, with attributes of chaos armour, mark of Khorne, mechanical body with tracked leg, manikin, chain-fist (and probably other ones I haven't spotted) what's not to love about this miniature. I think this champion is great for any Warhammer and W40k Chaos army and makes a great servitor or indentured slave usable in any Dark Heresy campaign.

Realm of Chaos Khornate Champion - front
Realm of Chaos Khornate Champion - back
The original RoC Champions of Chaos advert in White Dwarf 107 where he features see 021912

Next up is a 'C' series C35 Chaos Warrior 'Fenris' I originally painted him for a D20 Slaine RPG campaign I was running and just spruced him up a little to add to my constantly growing Chaos Thug horde, he definitely made his name in the barbarian fighting pits of the chaos wastes, I just love all his scarification markings and piercings.

Fenris the Chaos Warrior - front
Fenris the Chaos Warrior - back

C35 Chaos Warriors

Now we have more of my Beastmen of Khorne or Khorngor, the original RoC painted miniatures never cease to fire my imagination as I eagerly attempt to reproduce the RoC feel with my own paints and style, here are the original adverts from White Dwarf 105, 107 and my painted versions.

Beastmen of Khorne 022018
Beastmen of Khorne 022021
Probably my all time favourite chaos beastman he really captures the feel of the beastmen on the front of the RoC StD book and many of the illustrations inside.
Beastmen of Khorne 022002

I am sure this Khornate beastman started life as the Bloodbowl Werewolf Star player.

Beastmen of Khorne 022019 - front
Beastmen of Khorne 022019 - side

As usual I like to break up the painting theme and do something slightly different so I painted a Bob Olley RoC Nurgle  Beastman, like Marmite you either love them or hate them.

Beastman of Nurgle

Now everyone knows and loves this CH4 chaos beastman 'Hesh', he pops up all sorts of places including scenario sets and illustrations (see below) I shall add him to the regiment of chaos undivided beastmen I am slowly building up.

Ch4 Chaos Beastman 'Hesh'
CH4 Chaos Beastman - White Dwarf 95

Hesh gets shived by some brute

My Realm of Chaos Khorngor ranked

My Realm of Chaos Khorngor warband

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Imperial Assassin - RT601 - Adventurers

 The latest Rogue Trader Adventurers miniature to roll off my painting desk the Imperial Assassin.  This female assassin is the epitome of what Imperial Assassins should be like, light weight, small, synthskin, armed with Jokaero digital weapons and poisonous shurikens, just enough to get the job done and looking sexy while doing it, she would make a perfect 'Meh'Lindi from the Inquisition War TrilogyNone of the nonsense off later years when Imperial Assassins Eversor, CallidusVindicare and Culexus were one man armies in Warhammer 40K 2nd edition. There was also two more Rogue Trader assassins made slightly later, a male assassin which awaits a lick of paint in my ToDo box and another female assassin which I do not own yet.

Imperial Assassin - front

Imperial Assassin - back

Imperial Assassin and friends from the future w40k 2nd edition

Rogue Trader Assassins and Jokaero digital weapons

RT601 - Adventurers project progress so far

The united colours of Rogue Trader..whoops the Imperial Bodyguard managed to sneak into this photo

Anyone who is a fan of Rogue Trader miniatures will surely know of the classic citadel Judge Dredd range these miniatures were great for use in Rogue Trader games, get over to Chicos blog and learn more about these goodies.

Here some of my Judge Dredd miniatures I found out to inspire him, more to come when I actually find them....

Mega City Judges


I hope you like :)