Friday, 24 October 2014

On The Workbench - October 2014

Hi Folks,
Apologies for my lack of posts, here are few photos of what is happening on the workbench at the moment to tide you over until I finally finish the miniatures (hopefully soon), as many of you will know fitting miniature painting in when you have a seven month year old baby in the house it is quite tough but the odd half hour sessions I manage to fit in are starting to bear fruit.  I probably started too many miniatures at once.

This is all work in progress.

Here are C27 Beastman 'Shearmone', C38 Beastmen 'Crab man', 'Camel man', 'Owl man' and an old Warrior Maiden 'Mace lady' from the Citadel collectors series.  All they need is basing.

Next we have Chaos Wizards from the Citdael collectors series and a couple of Chaos Familiars 'Daemonet' and 'Lune', these miniatures still need plenty of work.

Next we have miniatures that are still being prepared, two cats given to me by Cheetor over at Sho3box (thank you mate) and two Squats from the RT601 Adventurers range, 'Squat Miner' and 'Squat Engineer'.

I hope to have these painted and up on the blog soon,

Thanks for visiting and get following.


  1. Nice! Looking forward to see those finished, but for now I would dare to say you are on the right direction :)

    1. thanks Suber, I am not doing to bad considering how short time is lately, stay tuned these are almost finished :)

  2. I hoe that you get some fun out of the cat models. Min e get on the table far more than might be reasonably expected for some reason.

    I will be keeping an eye out for the finished Squat Adventurers for sure.

    1. Hey dude, cats are getting a lick of paint soon, not sure if I am going traditional or space cats, the Squat engineer is now half done and we be up on here soon :)

  3. Do you still use the Army painter shading pots? I still haven't tried to use mine yet. Did you use it as a ink/brown ink wash replacement?

    1. Hi Justin, on rare occasions I still get my large pots of AP Quickshade dips out but these are messy and the pot lids require too much cleaning to keep the quickshade dip from drying up so yes I did move to AP quickshade inks and regularly use Dark tone and Strong tone inks, the dark tone is more black and is great for miniatures painted in mainly greys, greens and the strong is good for miniatures mainly in browns. leather and open flesh. I have been giving Citadel Agrax Earthshade a good go too as it drys really nice, the problem with AP inks is that he you swamp it on, pools of inks can dry white and Citadel Agrax Earthshade doesn't seem to have this problem. I also broke out my first Citadel expert ink set, the 1980's one in the pipette bottles and testing Vallejo washes but I am finding these too concentrated and can leave a dusty residue on the miniature.
