Wednesday, 12 November 2014

RT601 - Adventurers - Squat Engineer

Hi Friends, 
Today's miniature is the Squat Engineer from the RT601 - Adventurers range published in White Dwarf 99 back in March 1988, an interesting miniature for a Squat as he seems to be dressed in a spacesuit and using a pair of binoculars while looking into the distance, another nice detail and typical of the humour at the time is that his belly is spilling out of his spacesuit. I imagine he has landed on some distant planet surveying for ore or Promethium.  I painted his spacesuit in a mix of Vallejo bright orange and deep orange with various washes inspired by Russian Cosmonaut's in their orange spacesuits.  I have been painting the Squat Miner too but he is far from finished.

Progress on my project can be seen here

"I love the smell of Promethium in the morning!"

Squat Engineer - front

Squat Engineer - back

Thanks for visiting :)


  1. Excellent painting.
    Thank you for posting as coincidently I have just bought this miniature from e-bay on monday, and am waiting for him to arrive. It is good to see him painted and close up, I like the space suit.

    1. thanks for the great feedback Lee, I really hope to see your take on the mini soon :)

  2. Lovely work indeed! I really like the brushwork there! :)

  3. Excellent ! I'm just finishing painting tis one right now along 6 of his friends. I agree he is really good with just the fun we love in those old beauties.

    Your paint job really makes him at his best, I really should have gone this way too.
    Excellent job, can't wait to se the miner now !

    1. Hi JB, he is a really nice miniature, the miner I feel is not and may require some motivational drinks to finish it :D

  4. Yeah, the colour choice is perfect!

    Well done :)

  5. Cool! Excellent choice with the retro orange suit. I have one old school Squat from eBay, the only one that didn't get bid up to a ludicrous price. All the power armor/space suited ones are quite heavily competed for... No surprise why, they're great designs :)

    1. Thanks for the kind words, there are loads on these stashed away in peoples wardrobes others will come up :)

  6. Great work Jason, he looks the business.

    Thats a great little sculpt too.

    1. thanks Dude, now that is the seal of excellence :)

  7. Even though half his faced is covered, you've managed to give him a great expression. In fact, the whole miniature has nice definition.

    I love those old sculpts with just the amount of detail - like Goldilocks, neither too much nor too little. There's just enough there (the belly, the nozzles, the cuffs) to keep the whole thing interesting without cluttering it up. Do you know who the sculptor was?

  8. Hi Matt, thanks for visiting, not sure who the sculpter is but the credits on the original advert go to Bob Naismith, Mark Copplestone and Trish and Aly Morrison collectivel for the whole range.
