Showing posts with label Chaos Thugs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chaos Thugs. Show all posts

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Warband Progress Part 6

Hi Friends, more Chaos Thugs for my Khornate Warband, you have got to love the versatility of the Chaos Thug miniatures they could be used for lots of roles in cultists, mutants, horrors, post apocalyptic bandits, the list goes on. I love painting these miniatures they are all so different and were sculpted by a throng of different citadel staff of the times.

Chaos Thug Range: 0210, 0211, 0212, 0213, WD82

Korsitt Deathglare
(also listed as Mad Axe Martin on some catalogue pages but he doesn't have an axe?)


WIP - Secret Warband Guests

Chaos Goblins, If I ever warm to their disgustingness (is that a word?), they may end up being conscripted into my warband, well it is for FUN! 

The original advert can be seen here

On another note...
These latest audiobooks I have listened to while painting these last couple of weeks

Thorn and Thorn - - 3 short stories Can't say much about this one without giving the game away. Great naration and sound effects, it quite nice to hear the voices of the characters we know and love to read about.

Thorn and Talon (MP3)

Hyperion Cantos -

Space Opera extraordinaire you will not be disappointed, these are the most engrossing audiobooks I have listened to in years, truely epic.

Hyperion -

Hyperion | [Dan Simmons]

Fall of Hyperion -

The Fall of Hyperion | [Dan Simmons]

Endymion -

Endymion | [Dan Simmons]

The Rise of Endymion -

The Rise of Endymion | [Dan Simmons]


Wednesday 3 April 2013

Warband Progress Part 4

Back again,
Day off today so while on a roll, I think a second post is in order.

More finished miniatures for my warband for the Oldhammer Event, As I am running out of Realm of Chaos Beastmen I though it would be nice to regenerate some truely old school miniatures and add a couple of pre-slotta Beastmen to my warband.

Here are the latest additions.

Iguana Headed Broo. See Broo range here. For those of you who have no idea what a Broo is, they are the original half man half beast from the Runequest universe that sowed the seeds for all chaos beastmen created ever since. Fine Miniatures for 1983.

Next we have Walrus Man from the C38 - Chaos Beasmen range, I also have the Beastmen Cavalry somewhere in the loft so better get mooching.  Another great sculpt, he has loads of layers of blubber and a really cool skull design on his shield.

I have also recently painted a Chaos Thug, Skull Helm (third from left) and rebased the other the three which I painted up many years ago for the Slaine RPG I was running at the time.  Many more of these to come and I still have to get around to taking a photo of my doubles to trade.

Chaos Thug Range: 0210, 0211, 0212, 0213

Now I am not a big fan of Dwarves (probably because I am rubbish at painting them) but I had a go anyway, heres my attempt at a 'Stunty Sven' the Chaos Dwarf.

Chaos Dwarves

And my attempt at an 80's style citadel shield (see Orlygg's blog for a great guide on 80's citadel style shields), I guess practice makes perfect.

Hope you enjoy