Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Oldhammer Chaos Beastman and Runequest Broo

Hi Folks welcome back, 
Lately my legions of Chaos Beastmen and Broo have been feeling a little neglected but while I have been getting back to my Rogue Trader and Judge Dredd projects I still managed to flick a bit of paint on a few Beastmen and enter them into my new Beastmen gallery.

First we have Tiger Man a C27 Chaos Beastman from 1985, a really lovely miniature from this range just before miniatures started appearing with plastic slotta shields, coincidentally I am currently rereading Meltdown Man a 2000AD story from 1980 progs 178 to 227 collected into one volume by Rebellion and the main villains Leeshar's chief henchman is Tiger Commander who I think you will agree is almost a perfect clone of Tiger Man, I wonder if this story and the plethora of animal men had any influence on Trish Morrison's Chaos Beastman sculpts which are very different to the Runequest Broo that Citadel had did before.

Tiger Commander from Meltdown Man
I also think Tiger Man might fit nicely into a Frostgrave Pan Tang Warband like this one I recently enjoyed viewing on Axiom's magpieandoldlead blog, go and have a look it's brilliant.

Tiger Man - front

Tiger Man - back

Tiger Man - side

Next up we have Runequest Chaos Broo Runepriest from way back in 1982, a menacing looking creature, he will certainly be performing blood ritual with my blood priest.  I discovered that this miniature was used as the base miniature for the C27 Chaos Beastman Half-Man, I had never noticed until I started thinking I've painted this miniature before which is quite a common experience for the first few ranges of Citadel Beastmen.

Chaos Broo Runepriest - front
Chaos Broo Runepriest - back

Lastly we have a Broo with Spear or pointed stick in my opinion maybe hardened by fire at the point, a pretty basic and early Broo sculpt lacking in details and quite fragile, although it did require careful restoration due to it's thin legs.

Broo with spear- front
Broo Runepriest - back (not much going on I know)

I hope you enjoyed my latest efforts
thanks for visiting


  1. Wow, what a treat ! I'm especially impressed by the tiger man but all have that very dark and scary look that goes beyond the mutant archetype.

    1. thanks JB, I would like to see a return to real creatures of chaos and not just goatmen every time a range gets renewed.

  2. It's always a pleasure to see your latest beastmen Jason. They look spot on mate. That tiger man is fantastic! Every fig of that range from Trish Morrison is brilliant.

    1. thanks Ed, It feels like I have paints 100's of beastmen over the years but my beastmen leadpile has hardly moved :D

  3. Lovely job mate, like the tiger guy alot, but I think the Broo Runepriest tips it for me - love that green trim on the cloak! Good call :-)

    1. thanks dude, there are a couple more variants of that miniature I will paint up... one year :D

  4. There's actually an old Japanese cartoon series called "Tiger Mask". It's main character is (you guessed it) a dude in a tiger mask :) It's a really cool, gory cartoon, perfect for young kids :P The mini reminded me of him :)

    Very good recreation of a tiger paint scheme on his face.

    Well done :)

    1. thanks, I have just read up on Tiger mask wikipedia, it sounds like a great story i can see what you mean :)
