Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Rogue Trader - Jokaero

Hello again, in this post we have another classic Oldhammer miniature, the Rogue Trader Jokaero, a miniature that always give me a chuckle it's goofy looking and makes me think of the 'right turn Clyde' scenes from the classic movie 'Any Which Way You Can'.

When this miniature landed in my hands I had to express my love for it with a paint job, orange of course in true Orangutan style.

Jokaero - front

Jokaero - back

These superior techno apes got quite a write up in the Warhammer 40000 Rogue Trader rulebook (1st Edition) on pages 196-200, for a race that was spread across almost four pages to get one odd ball miniature was a disappointment. 

The Jokaero's technical abilities also gave us the Jokaero digital weapons a favourite of the Imperial Assassin. Snippet below from Warhammer 40000 Rogue Trader Rulebook - age 78

My wife got really excited when I showed her what I was painting and offered good feedback about the hands and face, we are supporters of ape conservation, visit Monkey World in Dorset every year, watch the TV show and even got married there, it's really great place so get yourself down there and support them if you are in the UK, also note the best tank museum in UK is next door ;)

More drafts to complete so stay tuned


  1. He's an unassuming little model isn't he? In many ways I wish the RT jokaero had a bit more sci-fi about him, rather than simply being an orangutan sculpt. The newer jokaero model is better in that regard with his tech elements.

    You have done the old classic justice though - his face is particularly nicely done with all the realistic variations in tone. Good job!

  2. I cannot but concur, Axiom said it all. I really like your take on this one, pretty nice work!
