Friday, 10 April 2020

C30 Amazons - Koka-Kalim

Hello, today we are going way back in time for my latest paint job which comes from the Citadel Miniatures 1984 C Series C30 Amazons range, I've had this miniature since my childhood, it came as a single miniature blue blister and it has survived umpteen miniature purges due to it being stashed away in my unpainted sci-fi adventurers box, the lead was almost pitch black when I pulled it out for prepping.

Named 'Koka-Kalim' this miniature was depicted on the cover of the 1984 Second Citadel Compendium (see below) fending off Northmen raiders with her laser pistol/needler in the Warhammer Fantasy Battle scenario 'The Shrine of Rigg'.

I attempted to paint the miniature as what I could see on the cover art of the compendium, all the colourful details were just to nice to resist, the pink 1980's new age haircut, green parrot feathers, blue trim and gold jewellery, the pose is beautiful too, I think this miniature is a real oldhammer gem.  She will fit nicely with my other citadel Amazon's and the punky miniatures of the Rogue Trader era.

Koka-Kalim illustration from the Second Citadel Compendium

Koka-Kalim on the cover of the Second Citadel Compendium

See you soon


  1. Looking good Jason. I had the exact same thought with her - she's the perfect fit for a RT space punk!

  2. Awesome sauce! Nailed it perfectly!

  3. Something about this era of figures means they're super-susceptible to tarnishing and lead rot. I found a whole box of them in a secondhand shop last year, and they were an amazing price but oh so crumbly!

    Great work on the painting. You tempted to buy more C Series Amazons now?
