Sunday, 31 March 2013

Warband Progress Part 3

Hi Folks,
More Beastmen for my Khornate chaos warband for the coming Oldhammer Event. I am almost out of Realm of Chaos Beastmen so the next additions will be pre-slotta Beastmen and Broo, old school all the same. I am not going to buy any RoC Beastmen from off Ebay as I am sure there is a price hike on RoC miniatures going on since the announcement of the Oldhammer Event. (Scandalous)
Chaos Beastmen

This one can be seen here

Old School Goatman - who can be seen here

Hope you like


  1. Looking really nice Jason. Pre-slotta and broo are great too and I agree the price of trying to build the movement may well be further price hikes on Ebay but it was going that way anyway.

    These should be good for RT too.

  2. Cheers Erny, Although as a previous ebayer and regret selling many a miniatures on there, I am going to avoid as much as possible ebay purchases where miniatures are current trend, RoC miniatures have tripled in price over the last 2 months and I know as I stare away all day at work ;-), I think I am going to try trading on the B.L.O.O.D forum and here, once I take some photos of my doubles

  3. They are looking great mate. I must get some more of mine painted for the blog, this week maybe. I am a big fan of that dog beastman. eBay has gone a bit wild, I have had no luck getting beastmen at sane prices.

  4. Hey Paul, hurry up i can't wait to see, not sure if I painted the dog man right first glimpse looked like he was wearing a medieval executioners hood so I painted it that way, on a second look I think it was supposed to be loose skin and the khorne icon a brand but oh it sort of works. It looks like both of us will have to start trading on forum.

    1. The hood really works from the front angle, if it's not a glaring problem from other angles I'd keep it as is.

      Yes and yes to the rest!

  5. Very impressive collection of minatures. I am feeling inspired to finish my figure of Henry VIII. Did you get round to painting the Pictish Hoard I once bought you?

    1. Pictish Horde is gathering dust with my other hordes at the moment.

  6. I think the hood looks good too.

    Nice work - I keep looking at my pile of Beastmen...

    1. thanks Thantsants, the clock is ticking.....
